Free Will Astrology

Your horoscope for the week of September 4

Rob Brezsny

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

I’m going to suggest that you monitor the number six. My hypothesis is that six has been trying to grab your attention, perhaps even in askew or inconvenient ways. Its purpose? To nudge you to tune in to beneficial influences that you have been ignoring. I furthermore suspect that six is angling to show you clues about what is both the cause of your unscratchable itch and the cure for that itch. Have fun with this absurd mystery, Aries.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

In English, the rare word “trouvaille” means a lucky find. In French, trouvaille can refer to the same thing and even more: a fun or enlightening blessing that’s generated through the efforts of a vigorous imagination. Of course I can’t guarantee that you will experience a trouvaille or two (or even three) in the coming days. But the conditions are as ripe as they can be for such a possibility.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

The Dutch word epibreren means that even though you are goofing off, you are trying to create the impression that you are hard at work. I wouldn’t be totally opposed to you indulging in some major epibreren in the coming days. You’re overdue to recharge your spiritual and emotional batteries, and that will require extra repose and quietude. If you have to engage in a bit of masquerade to get the ease you need, so be it.


CANCER (June 21-July 22)

When James Franco began to learn his craft, he was young and poor. A gig at McDonald’s paid for his acting lessons and allowed him to earn a living. He also used his time on the job to build his skills as a performer. While serving customers, he practiced speaking to them in a variety of different accents. Now would be an excellent time for you to adopt a similar strategy.


LEO (July 23-August 22)

A few of the major companies that got their starts in garages: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mattel, Amazon. Their humble origins didn’t limit their ability to become rich and powerful. As I meditate on the long-term astrological omens, I surmise you are now in a position to launch a project that could follow a similar arc. It would be more modest, of course, but the success would be bigger than I think you can imagine.


VIRGO (August 23- September 22)

“I have a hypothesis that everyone is born with the same amount of luck,” says cartoonist Scott Adams. “Some people use up all of their luck early in life. Others start out in bad circumstances and finish strong.” How would you assess your own distribution? According to my projections, you are in a phase when luck is flowing stronger and deeper than usual. I suggest you use it wisely—which is to say, with flair and aplomb.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

When my daughter Zoe was 7, she took horse-back riding lessons. On the third lesson, her instructor assigned the task of carrying an egg in a spoon that she clasped in her mouth as she sat facing backwards on a trotting horse. That seemingly improbable task reminds me of what you’re working on right now. My prognosis: You will master what’s required of you faster than Zoe. She broke at least eight eggs before succeeding.


SCORPIO (October 23- November 21)

Peter the Great led a cultural revolution. I want to call attention to one of his accomplishments: The All-Joking, All-Drunken Synod of Fools and Jesters, a club he organized to ensure there would always be an abundance of parties for him. I don’t think you need alcohol as an essential part of your own efforts to sustain maximum revelry in the coming weeks, Scorpio. But I do suggest you convene a similar brain trust.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21)

In James and the Giant Peach, 501 seagulls are needed to carry the giant peach. But physics students at the U.K.’s University of Leicester have determined that there’d have to be a minimum of 2,425,907 seagulls involved. I urge you to consider the possibility that you, too, will require more power than you have estimated to accomplish your own magic feat. Fifteen percent more should be enough.


CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)

So far, 53 toys have been inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame. My favorite inductee—and the toy that is most symbolically useful to you right now—is the plain old cardboard box. Of all the world’s playthings, it is perhaps the one that requires and activates the most imagination. I think you need to be around influences akin to the cardboard box because they are likely to unleash your dormant creativity.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)

I’m not opposed to you fighting a good fight. It’s quite possible you would become smarter and stronger by wrangling with a worthy adversary or struggling against a bad influence. But here’s a big caveat: I hope you will not get embroiled in a showdown with an imaginary foe. I pray that you will refrain from futile combat with a slippery delusion. Choose your battles carefully, Aquarius.


PISCES (February 19-March 20)

During the next six weeks, I suggest you regard symbiosis as one of your key themes. Be alert for ways you can cultivate more interesting and intense forms of intimacy. Magnetize yourself to the joys of teamwork and collaboration. Which of your skills and talents are most useful to other people? I suggest you highlight everything about yourself that is most likely to win you love, appreciation and help.

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