As We See It

[The Backstory]

Capturing the animal kingdom at Roos-N-More

Photo: Mikayla Whitmore

Roos-N-More | Moapa | July 6, 2015 | 11:30 A.M.

Working on the latest cover story for The Sunday, I found myself in the rare hug of desert humidity. In the distance, I started to see figures approaching through the waves of sizzling heat. A pack of unlikely characters—a llama, some goats and a camel, the leader of the pack—came into view. I couldn’t help but think of a rumble between the Jets and the Sharks in West Side Story. I waited for the goats to sashay while the llama high-kicked over them. I wanted a rhythmic dance battle to ensue (and was ready to go toe to toe with the camel), but the gang just wanted nuzzles, a little afternoon lovin’ from a stranger.

Tags: Photography
Photo of Mikayla Whitmore

Mikayla Whitmore

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