As We See It

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A jackalope sighting in Tonopah?

A jackalope in Tonapah?
Photo: Mikayla Whitmore

Downtown Tonapah | October 18, 2015 | 1:30 p.m.

A gust of wind rattled red leaves hanging from an aging tree into the street. As they fell, my eye caught a glimpse of something I thought only appeared in dreams, a stark-white jackalope. Despite it having mythical origins, all I could think was that Dr. Frankenstein must live in Tonopah, and he turned his sights on Thumper. As we went on our way to get lunch in a haunted hotel, I wondered if Disney would ever create such a tale, of course released straight to DVD.

Tags: Photography
Photo of Mikayla Whitmore

Mikayla Whitmore

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