
In defense of chain pizza

I’m certainly not what you would call a foodie, and fancy pizza kind of freaks me out. So when I feel like eating pizza, I tend to stick to the basics, and while there are some local staples that I go for (Metro, Villa), I’m most likely to call up Papa John’s.

I know that most pizza connoisseurs look down on chain eateries, but for pure taste value, I’m all about Papa John’s. The typical complaint about chain pizzas is that they’re bland and stale, but I’ve always found Papa’s to be rich and flavorful, and I love their heart attack-inducing dipping sauce (which, yes, is pretty much just butter and garlic, but I would guzzle it straight). I don’t usually go for toppings, but I’ll always get extra cheese on a Papa’s pizza, and I’ve found the pepperoni and sausage tasty and fresh as well.

If you like your pizzas covered in artisanal cheeses and pancetta, then obviously Papa’s isn’t your place. But if like me, your tastes are simple, and you’re looking for a hot pizza brought to your door as comfort food, this is one corporate behemoth that truly delivers.


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