
Peggy Plots Your Planets

Your horoscope for the week of August 22

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her email.


ARIES (March 20-April 18)

You may decide to detail and analyze your daily work this month. On Friday, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, moves to Virgo. He is one of three planets changing signs this week. Are you ready for a little change? You have an opportunity to chat with your co-workers. On Tuesday, Mars, the planet of action and energy, enters fiery Leo. The red planet should bring a lot of fun, love and luck. Show your creativity. Watch your spending. Do not overpay for anything.


TAURUS (April 19-May 19)

The sun moves to Virgo today and will be joined there by Mercury on Friday. Get ready for changes. Go ahead and take a little time for fun, love and luck. Run around the playground. Mars travels to Leo on Friday. You will find family members ready to take action. You may be surprised when the folks on the home front help you reach a goal. With the sun and Mercury in the daily work section of your chart, you have an opportunity to detail and analyze.


GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

The sun arrives in Virgo today. On Tuesday, Mercury, your ruling planet, joins the sun in Virgo. You will have a chance to detail and analyze things on the home front. On Sunday, spend a little time for yourself. No need for any serious business on Sunday. Enjoy sweet dreams when Mercury lines up opposite Neptune. Chat with the folks in the financial world. Remain focused.


CANCER (June 21-July 21)

Venus takes up residence on your home front. On Friday, Mercury pulls into Virgo to keep the sun company. That puts Mercury and the sun in your communication department and family members are eager to talk. Chat with your siblings. On Tuesday, Mars lands in Leo and loads you up with energy. Time for action in your earned income department during Mars’ visit. Use common sense while Virgo encourages you to detail and analyze.


LEO (July 22-Aug. 21)

Now is the time to make a plan to reach your goal for the year. The sun in Virgo puts the house of earned income in the spotlight this month. Mercury, the messenger, joins the sun in Virgo on Friday. Time to communicate in your earned income department. Watch your spending. This is not the week to engage in any partnership. Mars travels to your sign on Tuesday. Your energy level is strong. The red planet spurs you to take action.


VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 21)

I have something to offer you early-born Virgos. You were born on the cusp, that is, near a neighboring sign. You Virgos may find, as I did, that you are a little of Leo as well as Virgo. On Friday, Mercury, your ruling planet, joins the sun in your sign. You know how to detail and analyze. Your creative thoughts sparkle. Write down your ideas and put them into action. Don’t overdo. Remain focused. You earth signs know how to dig up information.


LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Mercury, the messenger, joins the sun in Virgo on Friday. Be ready for action as Mars, the planet of action and energy, takes up residence in Leo. Share your new ideas and hopes, wishes and goals with the folks in the professional world. Venus, your ruling planet, is in your sign. Saturn is encouraging you to get organized. Watch your spending while Saturn is parked in your house of earned income.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 20)

Expect changes when three planets move to new signs this week. The sun travels to Virgo today, joined there by Mercury on Friday. You have a chance to meet professional people from groups, clubs and organizations. On Tuesday, Mars heads for fiery Leo. Your career is on center stage. The people in authority are watching you. While the sun visits Virgo, your life begins to settle down. Keep your focus. Set your goals.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21-Dec. 20)

It’s time to allow a few changes to enter your life. The sun moves to Virgo today and will be joined there by Mercury on Friday. Settle down and remain focused. Your career is in the spotlight. Let go of whatever is not working. Time to detail and analyze. On Wednesday, Mars lands in Leo, Your knowledge department takes center stage. Recognize your priorities. You have a chance to travel. Do not make promises that slow you down.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)

You may find your life has begun to move a little faster. Mercury joins the sun in Virgo on Tuesday. Share your philosophies. Mars visits fiery Leo on Wednesday. Remain focused. Keep an eye on your joint resources as three planets change signs this week. Expect changes. Spend time on Tuesday with professional friends. Discuss your new ideas. Talk about your career goals, things you want to accomplish.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 19-Feb. 17)

Three planets change signs this week. The sun travels to Virgo today and will be joined there by Mercury on Friday. Your financial house is in the spotlight. Unexpected answers could flow your way. Mars takes up residence in fiery Leo, your opposite sign. Keep an eye on your spending when dealing with friends. Share your philosophies while Venus visits your house of knowledge.


PISCES (Feb. 18-March 19)

Your relationship department enters the spotlight today. The sun arrives in Virgo today. You may hear from old friends. It’s time to detail and analyze when Mercury joins the sun in Virgo on Friday. A few changes may begin to appear when three planets change signs this week. Mars moves to fire sign Leo on Wednesday. Your daily work will be on center stage. Co-workers enter the picture. Take a little time to get better acquainted.

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