
[The How-To Issue]

How to break an apple in half with your bare hands

If the fruit resists, try a primal scream.
Photo: Travis Jackson

This is some Superman sh*t. Tyson Anderson, a local who finds it convenient while on outdoor adventures, splits apples so easily you almost think he’s cutting the fruit with his mind. The strength of his rock-climber hands helps, but he swears it’s about technique, finesse and picking the right victim. Tyson says:

Know your fruit: “Generally, crisper apples like Gala work the best, and soft, mealy apples like Red Delicious explode in your hands. Even if the apple is the right variety it can still not work if it’s overripe.”

Get a grip: “The first step is to press into the bottom of the apple with the tips of your fingers and the top of the apple with the backs of your palms. When you have enough clamping force to keep the apple from sliding off your palms, you can pull your palms apart and the apple should split.”

When apples resist: “A primal scream definitely helps. If you fail, you get a whole (disfigured) apple to yourself, so that’s not such a bad thing.”

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