The Weekly’s exclusive Jim Gibbons tortured-explanation quiz

Damon Hodge


A. "I don't think that I have done anything that hasn't been done by others."

B. "Yes, it is going to have an impact on our campaign, and all of us wish that it didn't occur."

C. "Dina Titus clearly wants this campaign to be about something other than the issues important to Nevada voters."

D. "As I heard my Democratic opponent say, Nevada students are usually at the bottom of every good list and the top of every bad list.

E. "I'll be honest."

F. "That was not intended to cast Gov. Guinn in an unfavorable light, just to express the difficulties of the transition."

G. "It is either Mr. Montgomery or someone who is looking to draw me in to obtain an advantage one way or the other in their litigation."

Deeds (some only alleged!)

1. Christy Mazzeo sexual assault case (was absolved of charges).

2. Nixing implementation of universal all-day kindergarten (unresolved).

3. Steering military contracts to a friend (investigation ongoing).

4. Trying to mend fences with his predecessor (more repairs needed).

5. Addressing rumors he accepted gifts as a congressman (the jury's out).

6. Plagiarizing, again (in '03, he lifted text from an Alabama auditor).

7. Hiring an illegal immigrant to tend house (evidence points to guilt).

Answers: A–3; B–1; C–7; D–6; E–2; F–4; G–5.

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