Dream Zone

Dream Zone with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was in college again and drove to one of the dorms that is usually a very trendy place. It has a central set of apartments surrounded by a ring of apartments. People were living in the inner ring, but the outer ring was full of scaffolding like it was under renovation, but it was all dark like it had been left undone. I felt bad for the folks living in the middle, expecting a great college experience but living in a ghost town.

–Pam, 46, Hampton, VA

Lauri: Are you currently learning something new in waking life? Perhaps a new skill, a new way of doing things or even a life lesson? The buildings in your dream represent something in your life that you have “built.” It could be your career, a relationship, your reputation, etc. The outer ring of buildings symbolizes outward appearances. What is under construction in your waking life? What needs renovating or renewal? It’s interesting that there were people living in the inner circle ... it makes me think perhaps that something has been abandoned in waking life.

Pam replies: This really hits home. It makes me aware of things I hadn’t realized. I recdently reconciled a friendship with one of my closest friends. We’ve worked in the same building without speaking for 13 years, and we’ve finally put our issues behind us. But healing takes time. Hopefully that outer ring of buildings will be worth the wait, eh? Thanks.

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