Butterflies, cocktail napkins and women

Brian on the left; Chris on the right.

If you hang out at Boomers long enough, you’re going to meet some interesting characters.

I’ve hung out at Boomers long enough.

Two of the most colorful guys I’ve met are Brian Campbell and Chris Randall. Brian is a comedy stage hypnotist who’s been on The Tyra Banks Show; Chris is a magician who’s worked on Mindfreak.

Brian and Chris have something in common: They both put out DVDs that teach men how to pick up women.

Sort of; I guess it’s more accurate to say, They both put out DVDs that teach skills that men can use to seduce women.

Brian’s DVD teaches “The Butterfly Kissing Technique.” He says that he spent a decade developing it, and that you can learn it in 30 days. He says he’s performed it on thousands of swooning women. I’d say he was lying…but, my God, he must have performed the kiss on 100 women on the DVD alone. So “thousands” isn’t unimaginable.

Chris’s DVD teaches bar magic—magic tricks you can perform at the bar, using beer bottles, martini glasses, and cocktail napkins. One illusion in particular, 7 Digits, seems to be the perfect way to get a girl’s number….if you have the guts to perform it.

Now, I know a lot of you will dismiss Brian and Chris’s DVDs as silly. A lot of you will say that picking up women should come naturally, that “you shouldn’t use tricks,” that you should “just be yourself.” But I say the tricks are fine.

Look, for a lot of guys, picking up women is incredibly scary. Rejection stings, and the fear of it is cripples. So if putting some obscure guns in your pickup arsenal gives you more confidence, I say put ‘em in.


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