Sexy Dragons (!?)

No one is surprised when Imagine Dragons draws a packed crowd Friday night to Beauty Bar. Fans are out in full force, dancing, singing along to every word, and raising their arms in mock worship to fearless Dragons leader Dan Reynolds. All that is nothing new to anyone who has seen their act before, though this Neon Reverb performance doubles as the EP release for Hell and Silence, which does set the night apart.

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Imagine Dragons

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What is surprising is the couple that keeps bumping into me. Arms wrapped around each other, both clinging to Bud Light cans, their bumping and grinding leaving little doubt: They are getting some tonight. Maybe something is in the Downtown air, because a trio of fangirls standing in front of me also is contemplating sexy time. Between songs they’re debating about the attractiveness of bassist Ben McKee’s chest hair peeking out from his shirt. One seems hellbent on running her fingers through that Dragon’s chest forest.

Who knew clean-cut synth pop could be such an aphrodisiac?


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