Steer clear of customers who want to get close


I met a man who told me that his married buddy, on a recent trip to Vegas, had sex with a prostitute. The married man was in town with a group of men for a bachelor party and decided to order some Vegas style “room service.” One of those men told this man’s wife about his activity with a prostitute. Naturally, she was very upset. I’m not sure how the situation was resolved but that is not the issue. Privacy is the matter of discussion.

Though it was not a smart move to brag to his buddies about screwing a hooker, should any of his friends have told his wife? Or do you think he deserved to get caught? Did they break the Man Code?

When I ran into a customer who was out with his wife, I did not ask him if he had a great time with me in Vegas. Though, my God, the sheer awkwardness might have made it worth it. I resist. It’s bad for business.

This particular man also gave me his contact information including a way to find him on Myspace. I have poked around customers’ Myspace profiles and I’ve found their wives’ profiles in their links. I see their wedding and vacation photos. I sometimes see their conversations in comments they leave for each other. They even seem happy. I think it is weird that I get to look into that fishbowl. It’s too personal, I think. I’m sure that not every wife would be comfortable knowing about the gratification her husband gets from going to a strip club or patronizing any other adult service. They should be more discreet unless they absolutely don’t mind sharing that information with everyone. Patrons want to stay in contact with adult workers outside of work but don’t always realize that we might learn too much about them. When the lines between work and real life are blurred, things can get messy.


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