Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I pretty much have the same dream about tornadoes that has been recurring for several years now. It usually starts with my seeing one and then my trying to let everyone know that it’s coming. But no one will listen to me, and the next thing I know is I’m in my grandparents’ old basement watching it circle the house. –Cole, 38

Lauri: Tornadoes are a classic symbol for worry and anxiety over what you perceive as imminent doom. The spinning of the tornado is also important, as it is connected to the idea that you feel something in your life is spinning out of control. What’s been going on these past few years that has you certain you are headed for disaster? Notice how no one will listen to you in the dream; this is very likely due to the fact that in waking life, you have been worried about something others are not, which also means this is an issue no one can help you with but you. The message of the dream is this: Remember Dorothy. On the other side of her tornado was a magical place called Oz, and if you can ride out this storm there will be a magical place for you as well called peace of mind.

Cole replies: Your analysis is pretty much right on. We have had money issues that started up about four years ago, and it has gotten worse just this past year and has been overwhelming ever since then. It’s taken its toll on the whole family. It’s been a rough going, but we’re getting through it.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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