Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I am holding a dinner party and the guests are all skeletons. I am rushing around, pouring drinks and serving food. There are jewels spread all over the table. The table is huge, wooden and very old, as are the chairs. They are very ornate, and there are cobwebs on them. Suddenly, I am riding on a horse in a wedding dress. The horse falls and breaks its neck, and its blood goes all over the dress. I scream and then wake up. –Norma, 39, Warminster, PA

Lauri: Your dream is showing you that you are giving an awful lot of focus and attention to an issue that ought to be buried and put in the past! Riding a horse indicates that part of you wants to move forward. But just as the horse fell and broke its neck, you feel you have “fallen” from someone’s graces and have suffered a “break-up.” This has drained you and left you emotionally wounded, which is why there was so much blood in your dream. Fear not! The jewels on the table are your own “jewels of wisdom.” They are there to remind you that you are “priceless” and deserve to move on, but you must not let your emotional wounds stain your ability to “commit” (the wedding dress) to a new relationship.

Norma replies: Things have been quite trying lately. To be honest, it would be good to just feel again. I have just been “void” the last couple of years, but I do feel that it is getting better (you have supported this too—thank you!!).


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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