Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I dreamed I was in a small church on top of a hill. There was an army of men marching towards the hill. I ran towards them when suddenly I found myself back in the church standing by a baptismal font. The priest was standing on the other side wearing his vestments. Suddenly horns started to grow out of his head! This also happened to the other people in the church. Then I heard a voice say to me, “Beware of false prophets.”Norma 62, Kennewick, WA

Lauri: This dream suggests you may have reached a certain spiritual “height” (the hill). But the army indicates there is a conflict with this spiritual awareness. You run towards them because you are ready to battle, to fight for what you believe. You find yourself back in the church because you have gone back and forth on this issue, fighting it one moment and then accepting it the next. The priest sprouts horns because you are concerned something may not be what it seems. Has someone lied to you or misrepresented something to you? This dream is warning you not to go any further with someone or with something. Time to arm yourself, sister!!

Norma replies: You are right. Two years ago I kept getting an e-mail to buy a book on angels. I decided to buy this book and my interest just soared. So much happened to me. I have had visions of my guardian angel, I have spoken to him through automatic writing and I feel his presence every single day. But then I started reading a book written by a man of the church, which made me uncomfortable. I read that angels of God did not come calling or leave any other sort of calling card. He said these angels were the devil’s angels. This played on my mind so much that I left the book unfinished. After reading your interpretation I am glad I did not go any further with that book!


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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