Dream Zone

Dream Zone

I dreamed that I was at my mom’s house and my family was over. I kept hearing my cell phone ring and couldn’t find it. So I would cut open a little square out of someone’s head and look into their brains and see that my cell phone was tucked away in their brain. I would just take it out and answer my phone. The same thing kept happening over and over, and I would cut open another person’s head and find my cell phone tucked away in their brains. I laugh every time I think of this dream. – Toni, 26, Lakewood, CA

Lauri: This dream is actually about the way you communicate with others and with your family in particular. It shows that when someone reaches out to you (the phone ringing) you’re able to “get inside his or head” and really understand them. Has anything happened recently in your family where you took on the role of “the great communicator?” What issue is causing you to try to “get inside someone’s head” to understand where he or she is coming from?

Toni replies: This actually does make some sense. I am planning my wedding and I have had some issues with my family. Some of them are not very happy about the way I am planning it because it is very small and simple. Lately I have had to communicate how I feel and how I want things to run, but at the same time I have been trying to understand where they are coming from rather that getting upset with them.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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