Dream Zone

Dream Zone: ‘I was digging up an elephant’

I dreamt I was in my grandmother’s front yard and I was digging up an elephant that was coming to life. It wrapped its trunk around my neck and kinda gave me a hug, then ran off.Duane, Denver, CO

Lauri: Your dream takes place in a front yard, so that means this is about something in your waking life that is out there in full view of others, as opposed to the backyard, which would be connected to something you wish to keep to yourself. The digging suggests you are digging deep within yourself in order to bring about some sort of quality, symbolized by the elephant. Elephants are best known for their memory, so perhaps it is something you need to remember how to do, or perhaps it is a memory from the past you are ready to revisit. Elephants are also known for their thick skin. Anything going on right now that you need to be thick-skinned in order to deal with? Whatever it is, it is something your dreaming mind feels you need to embrace, just as the elephant embraced you. This all goes down at Grandma’s, which means you feel this issue is really getting old.

Duane replies: I produce stage shows and I’m starting a new one in less than two weeks. Now that I’m doing this show everyone and his mother is coming out, wanting to be a part of it, people I have known for more than 10 years, and I am having to tell them no, and that I don’t think they are right for my show. I have a specific ideal and they don’t fit it. It hurts my heart to tell them but I’m having to be sort of a jerk about it because I’m getting attitude. This all makes sense.


Lauri Quinn Lowenberg

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