MYSTIC MONA: Lei One on Me

Is Hawaii-Vegas romance headed for aloha?



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Dear Dream Zone:

I dreamt I was getting married, but I didn't know to whom. I was taken down to an empty pier, and told to walk to the end alone. I did as I was instructed, and when I reached the end of the pier, the water started to bubble and boil and suddenly I knew who I was marrying—it was Godzilla! I was to wait there until Godzilla arrived to carry me off. I didn't try to run or escape, I just stood there feeling resigned about my fate. Godzilla is a recurrent feature in my dreams.


Ah yes, Godzilla. The fire-breathing God of Monsters! Just like in waking life, marriage in dreams means making a life-long commitment. But it is committing to taking on a quality or skill rather than a spouse. Have you recently decided to be fiercer in your speech (fire breathing) and more aggressive in your actions (destroying of cities)? Is this something you feel you have been forced to do, just as you were forced to marry Godzilla? He's been making regular appearances in your dreams because you have, over time, been getting acquainted with your inner fire-breather! And this latest dream is sealing your fate: No more miss nice guy. It's Mrs. Godzilla to you!

Aisling replies: This really clarifies things. I've been culling my relationships due to a tendency to attract people who aren't nice to me, even though I'm so loyal. But loyalty isn't a virtue when you're being loyal to toxic relationships. Thanks!

Dream Fact of the Week: The word dream stems from the Middle English word "dreme," which means "joy" and "music."

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg is the author of So, What Did You Dream Last Night? Her website is www.thedreamzone.

I watch you on Fox-5 News and enjoy you very much. The one question I have is: I've had a five-year relationship with a man who recently returned to his native Hawaii due to a good job offer. I was hesitant to move. He has decided to transfer back to Las Vegas, but I feel he may have met someone else. He constantly tells me he can't call me on his days off and when I suggest I could come and visit, he says no. But he doesn't give me a good reason why not. What do you think?


Dear Waiting,

Before I turn cards for you: If you are in a relationship with someone, you are supposed to be a part of his or her life. If this man is telling you to not call him on his days off, it sounds like he's met someone else and doesn't want to be answering the phone when he's got company.

After I turned the cards for you: You are being deceived by this man and I think it's appalling that he doesn't have the you-know-whats to tell you. I'm also a little annoyed that you haven't given him the heave-ho when he told you he didn't want you calling or visiting him on his days off. You are being strung along, and you must decide if you're willing to put up with it.

The good news is there is a dark-haired and slightly younger man who's right around the corner for you. I like him and he's willing to give you the attention you deserve. You'll connect with him before June, but you'll have to dump Mr. Hawaii before it will happen (and get out to socialize and meet him). Please think enough of yourself to decide that you're really worth being with someone who isn't a coward.

Sky's the Limit

I've read your column in the Weekly and am seeking your counsel. I am 28 and moved from Las Vegas to Baltimore. I am aware that astrologically speaking, I am coming into my Saturn Return. (A Saturn Return is the time when an evaluation of the past 29 years comes into focus.)

I am a flight attendant, but feel that I am not living up to my potential. I feel the urge to pursue something artistic, but can't quite find a way to fly and indulge this artistic urge. How can I do both, what art should I do?


Dear Aiming,

In your life, you must have considerable freedom in order to be content. I see in your cards that you are at a point of either making a big change with your own focus and vision, or making it appear that you're a "victim" of change. I believe when a person really dislikes anything, their spirit will actually create chaos so they don't have to do that thing anymore.

Something is about to shake up your life in a big way. I do see you have an intense creative talent and though what I'm going to tell you might sound strange, I think it will give you a starting point. You are someone who is able to reveal the "secret" life of other people. If you do not have experience as a photographer, that is the art I'd like you to explore. This is not pornography. But you will be revealing a more intimate side of life, and you will find it amazingly satisfying. It'll take you about six months to see the value of this, but it's more meaningful than anything you've ever done before. You will eventually be published and your career will change accordingly.

Your goal is to capture something sublime.

Mystic Announcement

I will be participating in the Aid for AIDS of Nevada walk on Sunday, April 18, at the Fremont Street Experience. I will be reading cards for donations on a first-come, first-serve basis from 11a.m.-2 p.m., and 100 percent of the monies raised will go to AFAN.

Registration for the walk begins at 8 a.m. at The Lady Luck Hotel, and the walk at 9:30 a.m. For more information or to register for the walk, visit or call 382-2326.

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts. E-mail [email protected].

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