Peggy Plots Your Planets

Peggy Allison


with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

My aunt was pregnant and asked if I wanted to feel the baby kick. I touched her stomach and all of a sudden the baby's head came out of her stomach and looked at me and then popped back in. Creepy!


Lauri: Dreaming of pregnancy, when there is not a pregnancy in waking life, means something new is happening in your life. Anything new with your aunt? If not, she's standing in for some part of you, the part that's like her or wants to be like her. Do you want to become a mom like her? You caught a glimpse of the baby, who came out of her like that movie Alien! This suggests you've recently caught a glimpse of what's to come into your life—or what you want to come into your life. And the way she's carrying the pregnancy up high indicates that she—or you—has high hopes for this new thing. Whether a new job, relationship or way of doing things, it's not quite there yet. Like the baby in her belly, it needs to gestate a little more.

Brooke replies: This makes sense. When you said, "Are you wanting to become a mom like her," it got me thinking. I'm a mom now but I think I do want to become more of a mom like her. She's a great mom and always has things together. She's my role model in motherhood. I had the dream a few weeks ago and it was one of those "I'm not doing a very good job at this mommy thing" kind of weeks.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is thedreamzone.com

(March 20-April 19)

The sun and Uranus could fire off an unexpected volley of news on the home front. Take time off and help a Cancer celebrate his birthday. Make a wish and set a goal for the month before the full moon arrives on Monday. Mercury is retrograde, so remember, it would be unwise to begin new projects. Venus and Neptune may send social opportunities your way. Yes indeed, time to chat. Good news. Jupiter ends four months of retrograde and moves direct today. This should bring a glow to your shared resources. Venus squares off with Uranus, so be careful that an argument with a sibling doesn't erupt suddenly. Work on your creative side this week. And take some time off to enjoy the playground, little ram.

(April 19-May 20)

Mars supplies action to the home front. Avoid butting heads with people in authority. Venus and Neptune could push career opportunities in your direction. Someone may cherish your values this week. Don't begin any new projects. Work on ideas and projects that you may have already started. Spend the next couple of weeks crossing all the t's and dotting the i's. Look back across the barnyard and review what you have accomplished over the past three months. Relationships should speed up again as Jupiter moves forward today. When the full moon pops up on Monday in Capricorn, your mountain goat friends may feel a little emotional.

(May 21-June 21)

So you love to chat. Well, today would be a nice day to chat with the boss. Yes indeed, you could suddenly receive good news in the money department. Make your wish and set a goal for the month before the moon reaches its full stage on Monday. Jupiter moves forward again and this sets up an opportunity in your daily work. Mercury remains retrograde until the 28th. If you initiate any new projects, you can expect delays. Read the ads closely. You may find a bargain. You are known as a conversationalist, Gemini, but keep your words soft today. Don't argue with people in authority. They may not share your values. An old pal could give you a call this week.

(June 21-July 22)

Happy birthday. If you've invited a few of your friends over for a birthday clambake and they show up a little late, just remember: Mercury retrograde until the 28th. You may experience a few delays yourself, little crab. Your sign is ruled by the moon, and the moon becomes full on Monday. Don't get emotional in the relationship department. Jupiter moves forward today, and opportunities flow your way on the creative side. You should take time off for pleasure. Build sand castles by the seashore. This could be a summer you may not forget too soon. Mars and Venus hook up and love flows your way. Sweet dreams, little beachcombers, as others share your values.

(July 22-Aug. 22)

Mars in your sign should send the energy to roar in the jungle. Saturday the moon winks at Saturn. Work on your creative ventures while Saturn brings the structure you need. Your social circle gets a boost as Venus sends a wink to Neptune. Expect the unexpected as the week begins today. Spend the next three weeks looking back and noticing what you have accomplished over the past three months. Do not begin any new projects. Continue to work on stuff you have already begun. You are the party sign of the zodiac. Spend time with a Cancer pal celebrating his birthday. Remember, within the next two weeks it will be your time for birthday celebration. Now smile, little kitty. You should enjoy hearing from old friends and making new acquaintances this week.

(Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

The full moon on Monday could send you off to the playground. Expect delays while Mercury is retrograde, but sometimes you also hear from old friends during this period. Don't venture into any new projects. Polish up what you already have going. You like to detail and analyze things, so go ahead. Your career should flow easily this week. Authority figures send nice messages about your daily work. Jupiter moves forward again after a four-month delay and opportunity for smooth communication with siblings is there once more. Today, Saturn sends structure to your creative ventures.

(Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Jupiter resumes its forward motion today, and this could provide an opportunity to earn a little more. The full moon on Monday sends a glow to the home front. The moon rules the fourth space of your chart, which is your home. You may encounter emotion from family members, perhaps someone who may feel they are working too hard. Mercury is retrograde, so watch out for miscommunication. Mars nods to Pluto. Yes indeed, your social life speeds up. Sudden opportunity flows into your daily work and people in authority will take notice. An excellent time to plan a journey or use your higher knowledge. Take some time off.

(Oct. 22-Nov. 22)

Full moon in Capricorn. Mercury remains retrograde. Watch miscommunication this week. Venus gets a wink from Neptune. Shared resources take center stage on the home front. Mars sends energy to those in authority. Jupiter moves forward again today, and opportunities could flow your way. Take advantage while Jupiter, the Santa of the planets, remains in your sign, Scorpio. Jupiter remains in your sign until Thanksgiving Day, and once it leaves it will not return for 12 years. Your Capricorn friends may be a little touchy this week. Okay, it is only the full moon, which affects the water signs the most—you, Scorpio, and Cancer and Pisces.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Mars gets a wink from Venus this week, and both business and personal relationships will be affected. People will encourage you to share your higher knowledge. Pluto and Mars set up action with people in the big business department. Yes indeed, you writers may find your publishers interested in what you want to say. Saturn provides structure. Full moon on Monday. Shared resources suddenly take center stage on the home front. Wait until Mercury goes direct on the 28th before you make any real- estate deals. Miscommunication could develop as Murphy's Law steps in. You may hear from people from your past. Old friends are about to resurface.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 21)

Full moon in your sign on Monday. Feel the energy? Mercury remains retrograde until the 28th. This is not my favorite time to begin new projects. Jupiter moves direct today and you should see things pick up a bit. Nice week to chat with siblings. You may also hear from someone in a past relationship. Old friends often surface while Mercury is retrograde. Joint resources gets a boost from your daily work. Jupiter indeed brings a glow to your social circle. Your friends want you to share your knowledge. Neptune and Venus are working together. Learn the lay of the land before you launch any new ventures. You are an earth sign.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 20)

The sun consults Uranus today, so you may suddenly find yourself working on a real-estate deal. Many of you may find yourself renegotiating deals. Mercury remains retrograde until the 28th. Mars sends a beam to Pluto, the business planet. Yes indeed, it is action time for all relationships. You are the sign that remembers friends, so someone may suddenly jump out of your past. Read the ads closely. You may find exactly what you have been searching for. Venus encourages you to have fun and spend some time on the playground. It's time to bring out the inner child and enjoy yourself. Jupiter moves direct again and it's full speed ahead.

(Feb. 20-March 22)

Jupiter moves direct today, and opportunities come your way again. You may make plans for a long journey. Rewards from your daily work flow your way. Yes indeed, folks in authority will take notice. The sun lands in your space of Lady Luck. Your social life gets a nudge from the full moon in Capricorn on Monday. As a water sign, perhaps you already feel the energy. Be careful that you don't become too emotional. Venus, the planet of love and money, sends a glow to the home front and many of you little fish may be looking for a larger pond—and the big fish may decide to move to a smaller pond. Don't make any changes until Mercury goes direct on the 28th.

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755 or at [email protected].

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