Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

It's a Bird ... It's a plane ... it's A Great Movie, You Morons!

Dear Editor,

Having just seen Superman Returns, I was very surprised to read such a negative review of the film. Was Mike D'Angelo just in a very bad mood when he saw it? I enjoyed the film immensely, as did my partner (who is not a comic-book fan). In fact, there was applause in the theater as the credits started to roll. I'm not sure what Mr. D'Angelo expected or wanted from the film.

I think Brandon Routh did a wonderful job as Superman, and didn't overdo it as Clark Kent. I thought one of the original films' failings was that Christopher Reeve took Clark Kent's klutziness and goofiness to ridiculous levels. I also thought Kate Bosworth did a decent job as Lois Lane. It was a big plus this time around that I wasn't puzzled by what the heck Superman sees in a daffy broad like Margot Kidder!

As for the central conceit that no one (except Lois' son) seems to realize Superman and Clark Kent are the same guy—just accept that as one of his super powers, and get over it. No one guesses that Bruce Wayne is Batman, or that Diana Prince is Wonder Woman either. Comes with the comic-book territory.

Anyway, my partner and I (and a goodly number of people overheard leaving the theater) were in agreement that Superman Returns was the best film we'd seen in a very long time. I'm glad I didn't read Las Vegas Weekly's review before going to the theater. Now, I don't know whether to trust your panning of The Devil Wears Prada. Maybe you're wrong on that one too!

James Greenlee

Xania Knows Vegas after dark

Dear Xania:

I have been a fan of your fascinating Vegas nightlife stories for some time. I recently moved to Pasadena and I still find myself reading about your interesting nights out on the town. Keep up the good work. When I want to be reminded of the "fun side of Vegas" that I left behind, I turn to the Weekly.

Thanks, and have a great summer.

Tom D.

I Really Have No Tolerance, Let Alone Sympathy for, the Homeless

Everybody seems to be worried about the homeless people these days, and the problems we face because we're forced to coexist with those who exhibit primeval social behavior, but little or nothing has been offered in the way of a solution. Well, I have spent the past six years roaming the streets of Downtown in Las Vegas, Nevada, going about my daily affairs and I have seen and heard everything that goes on in this city we call home. Believe me, I know what a pain in the ass the homeless people can be when they beg for something they want. Especially when the majority of them are able-bodied and capable of working full-time jobs just like the rest of us do.

As for myself, I don't think that the homeless problem will ever go away. There are just too many bleeding hearts out there who continue to supply the homeless people with their basic necessities; and again, there are those tourists (homeless sympathizers) who give away their spare change to panhandlers on the street who then buy drugs, alcohol and tobacco. This perpetual free-flowing charity is what's robbing homeless people of their motivation and self respect; and, what's keeping them in a habitual state of codependency.

Here is my solution for solving the problem we face from street beggars: We need to pass an ordinance here in Las Vegas that would grant us the rights to our own personal space. For example: A certain color of jacket, shirt, hat or armband could be worn in public as a warning to potential panhandlers (and anyone else on the street) that we do not wish to be disturbed, or approached by strangers! Those who would violate this new personal space ordinance would be at risk of being arrested and jailed.

William Tripston

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