
Filching the funny

By some cosmic force of comedic coincidence, three of stand-up’s biggest stars—and alleged joke, uh, “borrowers”—headline three different venues this weekend. Here’s how they compare on the punchline-pilfering scale.

Who: Dane Cook

Also known as: “That super-finger guy”

Accused of ripping off: Joe Rogan, Louis C.K., Demetri Martin, Jim Gaffigan, Steve Martin, Bill Hicks

The fallout: Audio clips posted online revealed closely parallel thinking among Martin, C.K. and Cook, but not much more.

Who: Carlos Mencia

Also known as: “Carlos Menstealia,” the brown man’s Dave Chappelle

Accused of ripping off: George Lopez, Nick DiPaolo, Ari Shaffir, Bobby Lee, The Reverend Bob Levy

The fallout: Joe Rogan accused Mencia of stealing material both onstage and off at Hollywood’s Comedy Store. The fight and subsequent video got Rogan banned from the Comedy Store and dropped by shared reps. Lopez confirmed to Howard Stern that he has grabbed Mencia by the throat, slammed him against the Laugh Factory wall and knocked him out.

Who: Robin Williams

Also known as: Mork, Mrs. Doubtfire, Patch Adams

Accused of ripping off: Oh, pretty much everyone.

The fallout: Knowledge of Williams’ tendencies has been so widespread for so long, a flickering red light in the back of LA comedy clubs in the ‘80s became code for, “He’s here. Speak now and forever lose your premise.” When confronted, Williams traditionally pulled out his checkbook and let the zeros convey his regret.

–Julie Seabaugh

Dane Cook. May 23-25, 11 p.m., $75-$175. The Colosseum, 474-4000. Carlos Mencia. May 24, 7 and 10:30 p.m., $58-$78. The Pearl, 942-7777. Robin Williams. May 25, 8 p.m., $105-$236.25. MGM Grand Garden Arena, 891-7777.

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