Fergusons Downtown helps rally community mask support

Illustration: Photo by Wade Vandervort

Las Vegas cultural hub and shopping center Fergusons Downtown reopened to the public May 14, nearly two months after its coronavirus shutdown. Masks are now required to enter its outdoor area and retail shops.

In an effort to encourage the public to wear masks everywhere, Fergusons has launched an online #ivalueyou campaign, asking people to send in photos of themselves wearing masks and explaining why it’s important to do so.

Submissions so far have included statements like, “I wear a mask, not for me but my community,” and, “I wear a mask, not for me but for my loved ones and yours.”

“As we continue to navigate these uncharted waters, we want to continue to show up and do our part, which is being the best community partner and wearing our mask,” says Kelly Bennett, marketing director for Fergusons Downtown. “This is something small but super-impactful that we can do that is selfless and protects the health of our community.”

To participate, post a photo using the tag @fergusonsdowntown #ivalueyou, and explain why you’re wearing a mask in the caption.

Photo of Leslie Ventura

Leslie Ventura

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