CineVegas 2008


After graduating from elementary school, two Mexican brothers are sent on an errand to deliver medicine to some relatives. They disobey their grandfather by taking his horse for the journey. Along the way they get lost; then they lose the horse and, finally, each other. The boys (and the audience) spend the rest of the movie searching.


Antonio Lerma Batista, Evaristo Lerma Batista
Directed by Israel Cardenas and Laura Amelia Guzman
Plays again June 15 at 12:45 p.m.

The filmmakers were supposedly inspired by the rural location where they shot the picture, yet little (if any) cultural insight is gained by viewing it. It doesn’t help that most of the cast appears uncomfortable in front of the camera, mumbling lines with no discernible emotion. The scenery is pretty enough, but if there’s any artistry to be found, it’s in the fog our protagonists wander through—serving as a metaphor for both the creative forces at work and the viewer’s state of mind.


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