
Deja Vu Showgirls becomes stripperless strip club for a night

Here’s a riddle for you: When is a strip club not a strip club?

When it is rented by a video game company and transformed for a night into a different strip club. Confused? Yeah, me too, but apparently that’s what happened Monday when the makers of the forthcoming shoot-em-up video game Duke Nukem Forever rented out Déjà Vu Showgirls to host a preview event for gaming journalists. They rechristened the adult establishment for the night as Duke Nukem’s Titty City—a classily named joint featured in the game.

Not a terrible media stunt, except for the fact that organizers were so worried about offending attending press they decided to give Deja Vu’s usual 30 to 50 strippers the night off and instead hired six professional model/go-go dancer types. Those blonde-haired, blue-eyed women donned schoolgirl outfits to match the vibe in the game, but kept their clothes on. That, if nothing else, surely helped the journos focus on reviewing the game itself and not boobs and butts.

Still, consider what they renamed the place. Should they really be concerned about keeping it PC?


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