Where to get self-care holiday gifts in Downtown Las Vegas


All for Our Country

There’s a treasure trove of goodies inside this beautiful store, a spin-off of the local furniture mart One Forty Three. Clay masks, bath soaks, CBD balms and handmade soaps will delight everyone on your holiday shopping list. Natural face masks like the cafe mocha mask by Rinse Bath Body Inc. will brighten skin and perk up noses with the blissful aroma of coffee and chocolate. 1028 Fremont St. #170, 702-297-5994, allforourcountry.com.

The Good Wolf Lifestyle Co.

This local emporium stocks all kinds of goods, including tonics and remedies for the bearded men in your life. Bergamot-scented body buffers (aka glorified washcloths) and scented bath teas are a perfect way to incorporate some self-care into your beau’s life, and the oatmeal hand cream by Barr Co. is sure to turn even the scruffiest dudes into moisturizing converts. If that’s not enough, the selection of lip balms and candles—like the 18b Arts District candle—will give your guy or gal the extra TLC they need right now. 1401 S. Commerce St., 702-272-2312, thegoodwolflv.com.

Local Oasis

Aromatherapy sleep sets, lip balms and roll-on perfumes by Wanderflower are the tip of the iceberg at this lifestyle shop in the heart of Downtown Las Vegas. Whether it’s a new journal based on the phases of the moon or a planner to help schedule self-care, there’s something here for everyone. Yoga mats, incense, crystal kits and more can help your friends and family be the best and most grounded version of themselves heading into 2021. 220 E. Charleston Blvd., 702-234-5151, localoasislv.com.

Mike’s Recovery

This local apothecary makes bath soaks and soaps to help muscles after a hard workout or a rough day at the (home) office. Whether you’re looking for gifts that help detox, recover or restore, Mike’s scented bath mixes are designed to help relax the mind while treating fatigued and stressed muscles. The brand also just launched its immunity mineral soak, which combines ravensara, tea tree, eucalyptus, vetiver, sweet marjoram and lemon essential oils for a little health boost at bath time. 1028 Fremont St. #174, mikesrecovery.com.

The Tiny Bloom

Get your paws on these adorable tea drops from the Tiny Bloom—bundles of tea leaves are shaped into stars and hearts and come in flavors like citrus ginger, matcha, sweet peppermint and rose Earl Grey (bonus points for the gorgeous wooden box in which they come). The Tiny Bloom plant shop also carries smudge sticks to burn, made of dried bundled flowers, along with nontoxic soy candles, so your giftees can get cozy on chilly nights. 1028 Fremont St. #113, 702-508-8414, thetinybloom.com.

Photo of Leslie Ventura

Leslie Ventura

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