
The Las Vegas Weekly roller skating playlist

Kevin Daniels / Courtesy

Let’s talk roller-skating jams for a second. There are songs closely associated with skating—Zapp’s “Mo’ Bounce to the Ounce,” M’s “Pop Muzik,” Dazz Band’s “Let It Whip,” and many, many others—and songs directly written for skating, like Vaughan Mason & Crew’s “Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll,” Silk Sonic’s “Skate,” and De La Soul’s “A Roller Skating Jam Named ‘Saturdays.’” (Olivia Newton-John and ELO’s “Xanadu” is not specifically about skating, but if you need it to be, then you do you, boo.)

The authors of this feature would happily skate to any of those, but given a choice, we’d request these from the DJ. If you hear one of these at your rink, there’s a chance we’re there. Look for the skaters falling over, a lot.

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