Snapshots from the County Fair

Meat, euphemism and cheap butt massages at the fairgrounds

Kate Silver

Good Vibrations: Vibrating chairs called "Footsie Wootsies" are placed around the Logandale fairgrounds. For 25 cents, the chair shakes, with most of the movement presumably within a metal foot piece.

"Mom! It's massaging my feet!" shouts a gleeful girl, about 12 years old. Her mother smiles. Then, even happier: "Mom! It's massaging my butt!"

Carnie Knowledge: Walking through the midway, the carnies are competing for action. One tanned, young(ish) guy at the balloon booth blows me a kiss, holding out his darts. "You can play my game for free!" he shouts. Is that a euphemism for something?

Goat Meat: There's a booth handing out information on South African Boer meat, which comes from the world's largest goats. A bored woman sits by her five young goats, touting their meatiness.

"What do you make?" I ask, hoping to hear the words "goat loaf."

"What?" she says, looking offended.

"What recipes?" I ask.

"I don't eat my goats."

Cow Meat: The Nevada Beef Council has set up a booth in the livestock area, handing out bumper stickers that encourage meat over lettuce, and something about cows being in marshmallows. Next to the booth is a surprisingly soft and sweet-looking brown cow, with deep black eyes. Behind the animal is a large sign. "Nevada Beef Council." On it, the state of Nevada is made out of a slab of meat. Is that a euphemism for something?

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