Clifford’s Really Big Movie

Matthew Scott Hunter

CLIFFORD'S REALLY BIG Movie is the latest straight-to-video kid flick that seems to have been mistakenly released in theaters. John Ritter, Wayne Brady, and other B-list actors lend their voices to the inoffensive and utterly uninteresting cartoon critters as they tag along with the big, red dog.

The crimson pooch's sub-preschool level adventure has him joining a circus's amazing animal act in order to win a talent competition and a lifetime supply of Tummy Yummies. The daunting obstacles he faces range from passively jealous animals to hurt feelings. A villain finally presents himself in the last 10 minutes, but he changes his ways in less than 5.

The movie succeeds as a temporary sedative for hyperactive Clifford fans (ages 5 and under), but parents could save themselves some epic boredom by putting that money toward Ritalin instead. At a mere 73 minutes, the film still feels at least 45 minutes too long.

Save your money for the next Pixar release. Don't rush to theaters for Clifford. Don't even wait for the video. Wait for it to come on Cartoon Network early some Saturday morning. Your kid can watch, you can sleep in, and your life, like this movie, will be absolutely free of conflict.

  • Get More Stories from Thu, Apr 22, 2004
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