Martin Stein


(2.5 stars)

Stars: Jimi Mistry, Kyle MacLachlan, Kristen Holden-Reid, Nuru

Director: Ian Iqbal Rashid

Details: Opens Friday

The problem with inserting Cary Grant into your film is that you're constantly reminding people of what your movie isn't.

In a rip-off of Woody Allen's Play It Again, Sam, Alim believes his life is guided by Grant's spirit. Alim is gay, in a happy relationship with Giles and living in London, far from his hometown of Toronto, where his family assumes he's straight. But when his mother comes to visit and put matrimonial pressure on him, Alim's world starts to crumble, and things get even worse when she and Giles start to become friends.

We all know that eventually everything will work out fine in stories like this, so the trick is in the acting and direction. Both are poorly done, with the exception of Kyle MacLachlan, who steals every scene as Grant. Mistry and Holden-Reid never sell their love affair and Nuru is completely miscast, looking far too young for the role.

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