PSYCHIC VIEW: Disposition of Resolutions

A new way to look at a new year



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was back at my parents' house, in my old bedroom, moving furniture around. What does moving furniture signify in a dream?

Diane, 21

Lauri: It means you're doing or need to do some "rearranging" in your life. Do you need to rearrange your thoughts or priorities or money? Being back in your old room at your parents' house indicates you're still hanging onto some immaturities or dependencies and overcoming those is part of your rearranging process. This was a good dream, showing you that you're in the right mind-set!

Diane replies: You're right on! I've been changing my mind-set on how I feel about certain things, especially since I got married and adopted an abused dog. It's like my priorities have changed, and maybe this dream showed me I'm on the right track, but there's still some moving around to do! It's awesome that you could take a dream that made me think, "That was strange! Why did I dream that?" and tell me what my mind is trying to tell me.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

Call it a disposition, not a resolution. Maintaining a disposition is a more enlightened suggestion of your outlook in the New Year. This temperament allows you to notice when the world is working for you instead of against you. Our lessons keep repeating until we get the message, so if this has been a year of attracting what you don't want, then it's time to concentrate on how you'll attract what you do want.

If you've created your New Year's resolution as the result of bad behavior, you'll already start the year on a negative note. Unless you're someone who enjoys punishing themselves for not living up to your own expectations, resolutions are just an excuse to assign yourself the label of "loser." A resolution is a constant reminder that you're "bad," allowing you to create an even more alluring temptation (excuse) to return to that undesirable behavior.

You're only as great as your inner belief. My disposition will be about maintaining a healthier lifestyle. It won't be about one thing changing; it will be about everything changing. When people ask me, I will answer, "I'm living a healthy lifestyle." Let them define for themselves what that means. If I occasionally stumble (and I will because I don't expect to be perfect), the next day I'll be back to my affirmation of, "I'm living a healthy lifestyle." It is posted on my refrigerator.

My gift to you is a different perspective and I'm offering you a way to embrace your most powerful essence. This is a great activity on or before New Year's Eve. You'll need several pieces of plain white paper because each item listed next requires its own page, a pencil (not a pen) and an open mind.

• List all you've accomplished in 2004. Write the following affirmation on the bottom of the page: "All things unfold for me in beneficial ways for all concerned."

• List the people who were supportive. Affirmation: "I am blessed and grateful for the help of these people."

• List the people who seemingly worked against you. Affirmation: "These people have helped me in ways I cannot see now."

• List the ways you've worked against yourself. Affirmation: "I love myself and deserve the gifts of the Universe."

• List the people you lost in 2004—include famous people you admired, as well. Affirmation: "Each of these individuals represents an aspect of myself I admire or is important and I celebrate their influence on my life."

• List accidents, job losses or other uncomfortable life-changing experiences that happened. Affirmation: "These incidents are leading me to a greater and more fulfilling life."

• List the births, marriages and job promotions. Affirmation: "I am aware of the power of love."

• List happy and ironic coincidences. Affirmation: "My life can and will change in an instant and I will be aware enough to act on the gifts presented."

Place a plain sheet of paper on top of your stack and staple all the papers together. On the top sheet, write the ONE thing you want in 2005. Save this project to review next December:

• If it's love, write: "Loving and supportive relationships are easy for me."

• If it's a work opportunity, write: "True success now manifests for me and the benefit of all concerned."

• If it's health, weight loss or fitness, write: "Vibrant health flows through my body and spirit."

• If it's financial, write: "Abundance now flows to me effortlessly."

• If you're bored with your life, write: "An engaging and challenging quest now presents itself to me."

Place a copy of your 2005 affirmation statement on your refrigerator, either sealed in an envelope or as a declaration. You're willing to let go of the old for the greater benefits of the new. Your adventure begins again now.

I wish you every blessing and happiness in 2005!

Mona Van Joseph is a licensed psychic. E-mail questions to [email protected].

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