MYSTIC MONA: Dream a Little Dream

A house, retirement … and the Grim Reaper


I had a disturbing dream last evening that I'd like you to interpret for me:

I had lived in this enormous house before and the rooms were huge. My husband and I were painting the rooms in the house and I looked forward to everyone seeing it when we were finished. I wouldn't let my husband patch up any of the little holes in the walls because they added character to the house—I just wanted them painted over. Every room was full of antiques and each room was so vivid. I could see the books and the names of the authors. There was one famous book that I remembered as a child but, of course, I can't remember that title right now.

This house was on the Strip here in Las Vegas and people were so intrigued by it. We opened the house to tours and people kept wandering through the house to look at its treasures. We had to hire a security guard for the house because there was a group of men that kept photographing the antiques and then trying to steal them. The guard was useless so we had to lock people out of the house.

In one of the antique dressers, I found an old wallet that held a certificate of insurance for a large sum of money. I discovered it belonged to an elderly man and his wife (who were ecstatic that the money that was owed to them was recovered). My husband arrived home at 5:30 a.m., which woke me up. I looked to my left and saw a figure standing at the doorway to our bathroom. It looked like the Grim Reaper and I don't think I was asleep. I was talking to my husband and three times I looked over toward the bathroom and the Grim Reaper was there!

I couldn't sleep after seeing the figure so I wrote out everything in the dream.

What do you make of this dream? I'm retiring after many years in March. Does this dream simply mean that it's "out with the old, in with the new"? Does this signify the "death" of that job? I'm afraid that I'm going to die in a car wreck and go to hell or something! Please tell me what you see. Please!


Dear Frightened,

You're not going to die in a car wreck and go to hell. The dream meant you're finally leaving a situation that had turned toxic for you. The Grim Reaper character was to remind you that we have no control over some of the "evils" around us. The fact is, you were slowly dying at that last job and it was time for you to leave. You saw the figure three times, which tells me that you were ready to leave several times during your career and now you get to finally say good-bye to a slow death.

The other parts of your dream are celebrating the many facets of you. You realized that the security guard (your current job) could not protect or appreciate you so you had to lock away the best parts of yourself and close them off to everyone. The elderly couple represents all of the wonderful people you helped through your work. It's a good dream of closure.

Brink of self-actualization

I'm writing because I'm so frustrated with my life right now. I am trying to start a business that's going very slow. In the meantime, I'm looking for other employment to supplement my income. The person I live with and who has been my financial support will be leaving in another month. I feel terrible about this whole situation and want out so I can move on with my life, but I feel stuck and I'm running out of time. So far, I feel like everything turns into a dead end. To make matters worse, I met a very nice guy that I rejected because my life is such a mess right now. I'm chasing people away because I can't even deal with myself. Any insight?


Dear Stuck,

It's time to stop living in—and mourning—the past. Write down everything about past regrets on a sheet of paper and then go outside and burn it—it's really time to let it go.

Your life is about to take on a big upswing. See if you can get a part-time job at one of the apartment complexes as an assistant manager. Sometimes that job includes reduced or free rent—it also frees you up to develop your own business. Get yourself a job through one of the staffing services right away so money starts to flow to you.

It's OK to become friends with nice guys, but don't use them for a roof over your head. This is the time in your life where you get to step into your own power and you always have to do that for yourself.

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the city of Las Vegas. Her live, local radio show, "Psychic View," airs 10 a.m. Saturdays on Hot Talk 1140-AM. You may e-mail questions to [email protected].

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