Sonja: Cheese No More!

I'm writing in regards to Sonja's Wink column. I used to find her a bit cheesy, but I realize now just how many women probably really relate to her and her flights. I know I can. I broke up with my boyfriend of 15 years (I am 34 now) about two months ago after many years of an intense love-hate relationship (if you can dig it?). It's refreshing to know you aren't the only one feeling like you feel. I am fortunate not to have kids in this wicked mess, so for that I guess I'm thankful. So here's to Sonja, me and all the other women (or anyone) trying to figure out this crazy, mixed-up thing called life.


And Now, a Debate on the Merits of Josh Bell's Film Reviews ...

The following arrived, belatedly, in response to Josh Bell's October 30 deconstruction of the Alien films:  

I read a lot of film criticism and articles about film, and I think that your article was the best one I have read regarding the Alien film series. It was smart, well thought out and articulate. You made your points concisely and cohesively. You captured the essence of the films, the times they were made in and their directors' visions.

It's one of the few film articles I'll keep to reread at will. It's a thrilling and exciting read. I think what I like the most about it is that you don't seem to be trying to impress your readers with your own vast film knowledge and use of the English language. You speak as an observer who's lived through the films as the rest of us have and convey your excitement about what you've seen and felt. Your insights put "our" thoughts and emotions into words. With every paragraph, I said to myself, "Yes, yes. That's it."

So, thank you. You did a terrific job (and continue to do so).

Andie Gottfried

... The Debate Continues!

The following arrived in response to Josh's pan of Cold Mountain in the December 25 issue:

It was a great movie, full of emotion and feeling. I don't get you guys sometimes. Let me ask you, have you ever heard someone from various parts of the Appalachian Mountains speak? I have.

Well-filmed. Lots of emotion and feeling. I don't think anything was "stupidly" left out.

Michael Jarman

Editor's note:
And so we begin 2004 with the same old debate raging between the Gottfriedian view (Josh is doing a terrific job) and the Jarmanian contingent (Josh has never been to Appalachia). What do we think? Hey, we're just happy he's housebroken. As to the question of whether Josh has ever heard Appalachian folk speak, why, of course he has. It's our policy to send reviewers to the places depicted in the films they review. It's with wary optimism that we await Josh's expense sheets for that trip to Middle-earth.

Hey, We Were Just Wondering When We'd Get Another Vicious Anti-Bush Screed!

Let's see what our incompetent-in-chief has been up to this week regarding the great "Axis of Evil" he spoke of in his State of the Union address. We all know that since the SUDDEN capture of Saddam Hussein, we haven't heard another word about Super Dick's buddy Haliburton and its $61 million overcharge of the taxpayers. (My, wasn't that convenient!)

But we can now rest easy knowing we are safer, and so are the citizens of Iraq. Like that pathetic rat coming out of his hole was a real treat to us.

Chapter 2: North Korea. This week it was announced that we are sending 60 tons of food to this country because some Koreans are hungry. Excuse me! How about hungry Americans? People in this country haven't kept families separated for decades like North Korea. The only way people will rise up against their oppressors is to be hungry, so let them be that way. I say feed our own and let North Korea sell its weapons to us for food.

Chapter 3: Iran. Although the earthquake is terrible, it is not our job to send medical supplies and rescue workers to help our enemy. Maybe we got lucky and many of the people buried were terrorists. What is G.W. thinking?

I believe George W. should be declared an "enemy combatant" for giving aid and comfort to the enemy and thrown into a cell without any legal representation and no contact with the outside world. Under the wonderful PATRIOT ACT (his gift to Americans), G.W. would qualify for that status and be eligible for our four-star treatment.

G.W. has been far more dangerous to Americans' liberty than the "Axis of Evil."

Dawn Pizzorno Hansen

Editor's note:
We're sure that more than a few terrorists were buried in Iran's earthquake. Did you see that 97-year-old woman they dug out of the rubble? Hatred of America burned in her eyes! Don't let her near a box-cutter! Who knows what mayhem she'd be capable of?

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