SORE THUMBS: Microsoft’s Halo 2 Is Just the Beginning

More previews you won’t ever find anywhere else in Vegas

Matthew Scott Hunter

When I began this list, all of these titles were 2004 releases. By the time I'd finished, a couple had been pushed back to early 2005. By the time this prints, these could be games my grandchildren will be waiting for. Microsoft has a habit of hanging a carrot in front of our faces and making us chase it for years. But with carrots like these on the horizon, chances are we'll be content to play the jackass for as long as it takes.

Halo 2 (RP)

Microsoft Game Studios

Drop date: November 9, 2004

Sony has its Grand Theft Autos and Metal Gear Solids. Nintendo has its Marios, Zeldas and Metroids. Microsoft now has its Halos. The first Halo quickly rose to the status of Greatest Shooter Ever, and the sequel looks to improve on it in every way, with more weapons, cooler vehicles, broader multi-player, and the best XBox graphics. For years to come, this franchise will be the reason people buy the next generations of XBoxes.

Fable (M)

Microsoft Game Studios

Drop date: August 2004

Finally, an RPG that lets you grow up to be the same loser you are in real life! In the world of Fable, if you eat too much, you get fat; if you stay out of the sun, you get pale; and if you make bad decisions, you become evil. With an epic story that unfolds at your pace, and a character whose every aspect of life is under your command, Fable looks to be the fantasy game control freaks have wanted their whole lives. Gimme!

Kameo: Elements of Power (RP)

Microsoft Game Studios

Drop date: January 2005

Years ago, when the new consoles came out, people bought GameCubes simply because Rare (GoldenEye, Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark) was making games for Nintendo. Then Rare switched to Microsoft and received a ton of hate mail. I apologize for sending all those letters now that I have an XBox and can play Rare's first XBox title: the innovative, fantasy adventure of shape-shifting fairy, Kameo.

Jade Empire (RP)

Microsoft Game Studios

Drop date: Spring 2005

Those anxiously waiting for Knights of the Old Republic 2 may be able to satiate their hunger for rich role-playing with this epic adventure. Set in ancient China, this RPG features real-time, motion-captured martial arts fighting and lush, beautiful environments. Considering KOTOR is possibly the greatest RPG of all time, I'd say the Force is definitely with this title … or at least the Force's ancient Chinese equivalent.

Doom 3 (RP)


Drop date: October 2004

Is this possible? After all these years, has the original first-person shooter (not counting the archaic Wolfenstein 3D) only had one sequel? Can you imagine what the modern XBox could do with those hordes of 2-D texture-mapped demons? Can you grasp the carnage that could take place in a two-player co-op mode? Can you?

Matthew Scott Hunter has been known to mumble, "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start" in his sleep. E-mail him at [email protected].

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