Can’t Everybody Just Unite Together?

Illiteracy shouldn’t stop a good liberal screed. Just ask this KOMP 92.3-FM DJ.

Martin Stein

No matter what your political stripe, it's enough to make you want to scream, "Yeeaagh!" like a doomed presidential candidate. In the beginning of the month, tiny Hip Shot singer MJ Spruengli e-mailed out press releases to a number of local media outlets, calling for people to help with a John Kerry rally and fund raiser, "to unite people together." One landed in the inbox of Cara West of KOMP 92.3-FM, home of the neathage billboard, asking for "whom it may concern" to announce the rally on-air and maybe even attend and give a speech. Cara replied with a succinct, "I hate Democrats, I'll be sure to announce that instead."

Before you could say "shock and awe," battle lines had been drawn. (Actually, it took nearly two weeks for a reaction, but that transition is too good not to use.) MJ sent out another e-mail to every paper in town. MJ said she didn't want to "steer up trouble," wondering why Cara is "hateful against Democrates" and MJ, who is only trying to gather the community together. Well, the pro-Kerry, Democrat community, at any rate. She goes on to speculate that Cara, a radio DJ with her own show on a major station, needs the attention, "just like Britney Spears getting married or Janet Jackson showing her tits ..."

As a matter of fact, MJ's response to Cara goes on for 11 paragraphs, with font, size and color changes, demanding an on-air apology for both MJ and her enlisted son.

Cara never responded, and two days later, MJ sent out another e-mail, this time to all the Vegas papers, as well as local Democrat groups, a Reno TV station, some government addresses, KNPR and an LA talent agency. It begins: "Ms. Diva Cara West ..." and ends with MJ accusing Cara of knowing nothing about the situation in Iraq, presumably because she's a Republican.

All of these 0s and 1s winging their way through cyberspace generated at least one bit of hate mail to Cara, from a relation to MJ, Rose Spruengli, titled "Ignorance Provales From KOMP 92.3: "The only thing I have to say is your pathetic." (It's much more impressive in all-capital letters, trust me.) More terrifying, perhaps, than the poor spelling and grammar is Rose's signature: "If fate throws a knife at you, there are two ways of catching it—by the blade and by the handle."

This finally prompted another terse response from Cara: "... and you're listening, I WIN!"

But really—Cara, MJ, Rose—are any of us winners with rampaging, knife-wielding Fates on the loose?

MJ, who has demonstrated her verbosity to numerous people this last month, was oddly quiet on the phone, refusing to comment on any of this, aside from reiterating she felt Cara was rude and unprofessional. For her part, Cara was taking it all in a humorous vein, noting, among other things, that "politics are boring" on a station that plays Van Halen and features alluringly clad models on its website.

But one thing is certainly clear. This upcoming presidential election promises to feature the two most divisive, bombastic, vitriolic campaigns since ... four years ago.

The Freedom & Peace Festival fund-raiser for the Democratic National Committee is scheduled for 5-10 p.m., June 26, at Sammy Davis Plaza in Lorenzi Park. Admission is $6, with children under 16 admitted free with an adult. It will be hosted by Doug Basham of KLAV 1230-AM, with guest speaker Rick DeVoe, Democratic candidate for Congress, District 3. Scheduled entertainment includes Iya Khan & The Would Be Kings, Cari Dell, the Blues Brothers tribute band, Brian O'Shea, Hip Shot and Gypsy Nights. For more information or to volunteer, contact MJ Spruengli at 326-9688.

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