MYSTIC MONA: She is One Soulful & Crazy Gal!

Seven spells heaven for aspiring performer



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I'm getting married in April and I dreamed all my friends and family were at the wedding. As we were about to say our vows, his father burst into the room screaming at us, trying to force my fiancé to leave and not marry me. His mother just stood there in tears. We ended up getting married and just as we said, "I do," his parents vanished.

Sara, 24

Lauri: You're worried about wedding disasters, a very common dream theme, which come to grooms, too. Your fear manifested itself in a disturbing dream, but your confidence and self-esteem won out because you still said, "I do."

Are there issues with your future in-laws? Notice that the "problem" vanished the minute the wedding was over, which is when these kinds of dreams will go away, too. Dreams like this are reactions to internal fears, and their days are numbered. After you're wed, a whole other set of fears will trigger dreams for ya!

Sara replies: Thanks, your insight helps a lot. His parents and I do not get along. As I've been hoping, after the wedding, that'll stop. And you're right—grooms have the dreams too. When I told my fiancé about my dream, he told me he's had similar dreams!

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

I just started a job for which I have absolutely no experience. The money isn't as good as I'd like, but the schedule is extremely flexible (big plus, as I'm pursuing my dream of performing) and I like the environment so far. However, I'm trying to get out of debt and work toward my career in entertainment, and it seems like each will take a miracle. Do you have any words of wisdom?

Soulful Crazy Actress

Dear Soulful,

You have the number seven repeating three times in your cards. July will be a breakthrough month for you. Stay focused and describe in writing what a day in the life of your future as an actress/performer will be like. The more you visualize your success, the better.

There's a new man in your future. He's intelligent, attractive, magnetic—your total soul mate. What I don't know is if he's supposed to be your lover, manager, husband, best friend or all of the above. All I know is you're a very lucky girl!

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This has been the most turbulent year of my life. In one year I 've gotten married, divorced, was cheated on (I think), and tried to get pregnant. I've also gone back to my ex more times than I can count and my family no longer talks to me. It got so bad the cops had to be called once. The only way I know to finally end it is if one of us moves out of this town. Will that happen? Also, I know it's not an ideal time to get pregnant, but I'm going through fertility treatment and is it going to work this time?

Lost in Las Vegas

Dear Lost,

The lengths you'll go to draw attention to yourself amaze me. Stop watching soap operas or being your own reality series, and stop thinking you can behave any way you want and expect people to cater to you. I'm all for people having a strong sense of self, however, you have everything in this world going for you and you're whining that it's not good enough.

The reason things aren't working out for you and your ex is you both feel more alone when you're together than apart. There's very little common ground here. You're hanging onto the habit of him, not the real man. Don't try to get pregnant right now because there's very little love in your heart for yourself, much less for the demands of a new life. Pregnancy will happen in about three years when you finally realize the true Karmic responsibility of parenting.

You get the happily-ever-after ending as soon as you begin behaving on the what-goes-around-comes-around philosophy. By next October, you'll have a choice between two men: One has very dark hair and eyes and the other has salt and pepper hair and blue eyes. The first lets you get away with being you and loves you for who you truly are. The second will have you figured out immediately (with an amused detachment) and holds you accountable for your behavior. Though I hope you'll choose the first man, I'll wager that you choose the second. It's very hard for you to break the habit of being dramatic when you've been that way your whole life.

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Dear Readers,

This week marks my one-year anniversary writing this column. A special thank you to two of the most creative, visionary, intelligent, witty, and fabulous men who help make this column possible: Editor Scott Dickensheets and Contributing Editor Steve Bornfeld. Also, a special thank you to Publisher Pat Kelly for thinking that Mystic Mona might have a future. And, most importantly, I appreciate all the brilliant people who consider my column part of their routine when they read the best free local magazine in town, the Las Vegas Weekly.

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the city of Las Vegas. Her live, local radio show, "Psychic View," airs 10 a.m. Saturdays on Hot Talk 1140-AM. You may e-mail questions to [email protected].

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