MYSTIC MONA: She’s Almost 50; Where Is He?

A previous psychic’s words proved true



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

My husband's forehead was against mine. He was pressing hard and I felt the weight of his forehead. Suddenly, we were in another world! It was so bright. Then we were going to a cemetery. I saw lots of headstones. That's when I woke up.

Beatrice, 47

Lauri: This is about you two getting on the same wavelength. Foreheads touching is like a "mind-meld," where two people get into each other's minds by touching third eyes (the forehead's place of intuition). Have you and hubby come to a spiritual or emotional understanding recently? Being in another world symbolizes that you've entered a new realm of understanding and are enlightened (bright light) and can put old issues to rest (cemetery).

Beatrice replies: Wow! We've been together since 1982 and married in 1984. We separated for six years but recently reunited. Really good interpretation!

• • •

LQL on ABC: Tune into Good Morning America Monday to see Lauri discuss the mysteries of dreaming.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

Although I ordinarILy eschew psychics, I have a feeling that you are a gifted seer. I have only read your column online a couple of times, and yet you seem to have a clear view, to be a clear channel for these different situations that are presented to you by your readers.

I am just about to turn 50 and have only had short-term relationships lasting several months or so since 1988, when a long-term (six years) relationship I was in ended. When I was 30, back in 1985, I was invited to a "girlfriend" birthday party thrown for a friend by a client of hers. There was a psychic there and we each had a private reading.

After getting some birth info on my then-boyfriend and myself, she told me that we should have a child together. I was dismayed hearing this, as I was in the process of breaking up with him. She was very upset hearing that we were parting and said that if we broke up I wouldn't have another relationship until I met my soul mate in my 50s! She said there would be lots of men coming and going but that either they would want me more than I wanted them, or I'd want them but they wouldn't stay around. As you can imagine, I was very upset hearing this.

I decided to stay with my boyfriend, and then we split up three years later. It was my choice to do so. I also chose not to have a child with him. My dating experience has been exactly as she predicted it would for the last sixteen years.

I have worked on myself, done a lot of therapy, yet having an ongoing relationship eludes me. Now that I'm going to enter a new decade, my 50s, I'm wondering if it may be true that I will meet my soul mate, or if it's best not to expect to have another serious relationship in this life. I'll be 50 on January 8.

California Dreaming

Dear CD,

You will be in a mutually loving relationship within the next 12 months and you will be married within the next year and a half.

There will be two men to choose from: one who's about 10 years younger than you with dark hair and an olive or dark complexion, and the other man will be older than you with silver in his hair.

The younger man is creative, passionate, and not so serious. However, I predict you'll feel more comfortable with the older man, because he is extremely disciplined and his routine in life is comforting to you, even though he's not so demonstrative.

Because you haven't defined for yourself the description of your soul mate, you will be provided with this choice. The younger man makes you believe that life can be magical again and the older one makes you feel safe because he is so structured. I know you're thinking that you want one man to have both characteristics. Sorry, you'll have to choose because either one is a good choice.

Nothing begins to happen romantically until after your birthday, but know that by next Thanksgiving, you'll be holding the hand of someone who's worth your love.

• • •

I have been seeing this guy off and on (more off than on) for the past two years. I care deeply about this man but he seems to come in and out of my life quite a bit. I had broken it off several times, only for him to find a way back in. He tells me that he can't feel anything for anyone right now, but I have this strange feeling that deep inside, he thinks he can do better so he keeps me around as a "consolation prize." I have confronted him with this, only to have him deny it and claim that he does not "use" people. He claims he cares for me but will not directly answer any questions I ask about our "relationship."

My friends have all told me to dump him. I am interested in your feelings on this.

Drifting Along

Dear Drifting,

Dump him now (your friends are right). There's a real man (light brown hair and green eyes) about to sweep into your life and I don't want you to miss him.

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the city of Las Vegas. Her live, local radio show, "Psychic View," airs 10 a.m. Saturdays on Hot Talk 1140-AM. You may e-mail questions to [email protected].

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