Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

(March 21-April 20)

A new Moon in Leo gives you a new outlook on life, Aries, something you always appreciate, being the first sign of the Zodiac and its "youngest" member. Fire signs will feel exuberant and free this week, and a number of you will be singing show tunes, arias or marching songs because the need for boisterous (and dramatic) self-expression will be impossible to resist. Go on, give it your all. Heck, you might even want to bang some pans together. Love: joyful; Career: lucky this week, so speak up; Health: prodigious.

(April 21-May 21)

Usually-reserved Taureans will be unusually verbose this week, so when you say a lot of things that couldn't be bottled up any longer, you might be shocked to find people clapping and whistling when you finally spit it out. After the weekend, when Moon in Virgo sextiles Jupiter and trines Mars, you could also find a blue ribbon for "Best Talking Bull" dangling from your neck. Translation: You get rewarded for being gutsy. Love: lap it up; Career: bonus time! Health: success is so healing.

(May 22-June 21)

You're more expressive than ever this week. I see you yakking away, a phone on each ear, cronies and pals trying to get a word in edgewise. You may be a little distracted, and scream, "Stop the cacophony! I want to get off!" but it's all good (despite a Mercury retrograde). You'll rake in an embarrassment of astrological (and material) riches, since every Moon has something huge to offer. So have a ball and take that call! (It could be Hollywood.) Love: enchanting; Career: amazing; Health: throat lozenges help.

(June 22-July 22)

Lucky you, with that little shell you carry around on your back. This week brings conversation that could bore you, so withdraw and enjoy alone-time, while others talk themselves blue. You're having pleasant, lighthearted moments free of stodgy old Saturn and don't need anyone to entertain you in your lovely, suddenly-spacious space. A new Moon may be in Leo, but the Moon's your planetary ruler, so try out some novel tricks with your favorite bud: You! Love: hug it; Career: play at it; Health: coddle it.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Here's some of Saturn in Leo's course curriculum over the next 2.5 years: anger management; nurturing creative expression; changing your world with fantastic ideas; giving back to kids; supporting live theater. We're all in the same classroom as the teaching planet inhabits your sign. Enjoy this weekend as several planets in Leo sextile Jupiter (for luck) and Moon trines Mars (for energy), lending action to back up the bravado. Love: tender; Career: hatch new plans; Health: chew slowly.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

Lights turn green everywhere you drive, doors open at your slightest touch, and you can't seem to say or do anything wrong starting Monday, as Moon in your sign conjuncts Venus. You'll want to look polished and confident, although you won't have to work at being popular. It's a window of opportunity that happens even during a Mercury retrograde, so smile for the mentors, patrons and other admirers you meet up with this week. Love: your choice; Career: reach out and take it; Health: shipshape.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Career opportunities and other good-luck moments abound on Tuesday and Wednesday as Moon in Libra sextiles Saturn and Mercury, and conjuncts Jupiter. All these big success planets in your corner will make for a practical—and fun—week. A creative idea you've been working on hatches, and you'll be called by an interested party to see if you can make it profitable for both of you. Just try not to sign a binding contract till August 15, when Mercury goes direct. Love: send a card; Career: take a bow; Health: glows.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

This may not be a comfortable week for you because you square Leo, so Saturn in that sign challenges you to a duel or a boxing match when you least expect it. Mercury's there, too, a literal drag. Saturn in Leo, which is ruled by the Sun, is surely contributing to the current heat. In fact, we can all expect super-hot summers for the next 2.5 years. Next weekend you'll dance under a sexy, Scorpionic Moon. Love: hold on, it's coming; Career: a bit dry for your taste; Health: naked works, at least in private.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

Despite a Saturn-in-Leo-style heat wave, and a tail-pulling Mercury retrograde, as a fire sign you trine Leo, so that's in your favor. It should be a particularly pleasant next few days and sultry evenings, with a new Moon in Leo. Friday, as Moon sextiles Jupiter, your ruling planet, go all out for money and love, especially when it comes to recent creative projects and new affairs of the heart. Love: erotic; Career: neurotic, but just to mid-August; Health: it's all in your mind—you're fine.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Monday you'll experience relief from the heat when Moon's in earth-sign Virgo, and you resonate beautifully as the tides tug at your own beloved element. If you think that was a mouthful, dig this: Moon also conjuncts Venus for a soul-mate moment that will light up your life. It could come in the form of a bouquet with a heart balloon, or a flirty smile across the office from someone you feared never knew you existed. Love: surprise! Career: so much better now; Health: perks up considerably.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

Look for a welcome sprinkling of fairy dust on Wednesday, when Moon in Libra conjuncts Jupiter (love and money), trines Neptune (your dreams come true) and sextiles Sun and Pluto (a Vitamin D power shake). That ought to more than ameliorate your current opposition to Saturn and Mercury retrograde, both in Leo (ick). One thing about Aquarians, however: They know how to rise above adversity, and just about everything else, too. Love: food is seduction; Career: happening; Health: have fun, but rest up.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

Today, the new Moon and the Sun, both in Leo, oppose your planetary ruler, Neptune, which could make life seem a little choppy. Pisceans don't like disturbances; they throw up mud and sand and confuse the issues. Try not to be judgmental or say things you'll regret. You'll see things more clearly next week, when the Moon's in water and you're once again in friendly surf. Love: swim away if you don't have anything nice to say; Career: be kind—they'll appreciate it; Health: ride the wave.

Martha Woodworth is a Las Vegas psychic and astrologer. For inquiries about private readings, e-mail her at [email protected] or call 866-6682.

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