PSYCHIC VIEW: Crappy New Year?

OK, 2004 stunk. It’s up to you to make 2005 better.



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I'm sitting on a winding staircase when three children approach me. A little boy shows me two golden coins. The second child shows me her doll and the third child hugs me. I suddenly see another girl drowning in a cage, and just when I think she's drowned, the water releases and flows through the bars.


Lauri: Spiral staircases symbolize progress and development. Just like the tiniest DNA strand or the most enormous galaxy, the spiral is the shape of expansion. In what area of your life are you progressing and taking one step at a time?

The three children represent underdeveloped parts of your life that need attention to reach their full potential. In the nurturing process, certain gifts are realized. Gold coins symbolize that you and your goals are valuable. The doll is your ability to nurture. The hug tells you to love yourself. Drowning often indicates depression. The release of water indicates the depression has lifted—you're free!

Kim replies: Right on. I've recently overcome a deep depression. I'm on an upward path, and appreciate your insights. You're awesome!

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

You are supposed to be a mystic, so you should be able to tell me when the bad patch I am going through will end. My life has been one big chapter of misery all through 2004. Will 2005 turn out to be any better? Give me a real reading rather than fobbing me off with homilies like "this too will pass" and some vague prediction.

A depressed skeptic

Dear Depressed,

Your letter sums up your personality succinctly.

There's an interesting trend that has seemed to evolve around this holiday season—people (mostly men) sending me acerbic e-mails, first insulting my ability to provide insight about their lives and then asking me for help. Not the best way to approach people, not to mention your friendly neighborhood psychic. However, I will answer your question (though not many more like it in the future) as your New Year's gift.

What you don't know is that 2004 was bad for a lot of people. Numerology-wise, it adds up to a six, which asks us to trust the love in our life. For those (like you) who've had a tough time with love in the first place, this was a devastating year for you. So, in the big cosmic realm of things, 2005 is better because the base number is a seven.

The mistake you may make in the New Year would be to think that by approaching your life the way you did in 2004, that you could get different results. There is action required on your part.

You must release the past in order for your life to get better. It's time (it's been time) to let go of whatever is making you sad, angry, upset, critical, embarrassed or lonely. There are very benevolent possibilities (which you don't know about right now) that will occur before the end of February. There is a woman with dark hair with green or blue eyes that will be a significant influence in those first two months. She sees the possibilities in all things and (luckily for you) overlooks your feeble attempts at raw humor. You are smart, have no health problems, can do a variety of things, but the one thing that hasn't dawned on you is that the thing you love to do the most will be the thing that opens the door for you in your career. Your cards say that your new life begins as the result of a surprise, but I must remind you that it is subtle and gentle. You won't be able to draw out your new life with brute force.

Some of the most amazing performers are those people who've tackled struggles in their lives. Comedians are among the smartest people in the entertainment industry because not only do they understand the irony of this life, but also their brain works very quickly. "Las Vegas is built on the brawny shoulders of those not good at math," quips Penn with his flawless timing during the Penn & Teller Show at The Rio. It will be your direct honesty that makes you a success, and it's about time that your brains were put to better use than they are right now.

You will recognize what you'll do with the rest of your life by knowing what it feels like to be in front of an audience. Go way out of your comfort zone and join Toastmasters or take a communications class at the community college. Along with that, I'd like you to develop your more creative side—writing, acting, painting, singing or cooking. Your depression is the direct result of not expressing your creative side. Once you pace through the uncomfortable feelings of trying these new experiences, you'll find that many paths open for you.

Seven is the number of intuition, reserved strength, asking questions and gaining clarity. The down side of seven is sarcasm, cunning, shallowness and being overly critical (especially of yourself). Green Jade, moonstones and pearls are the benevolent gems for a "seven" year, and carrying one of these around with you will remind you of the subtleness of the Universe's influence.

When you're famous, you'll owe me a little credit and an autograph.

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the city of Las Vegas. You may e-mail questions to [email protected].

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