PSYCHIC VIEW: Shedding Light on a Dark Night

Teaching a teacher how to look ahead



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

My car is going off a bridge and I have to get me and my two sons out. We always make it out OK. It happens enough that I'm spooked every time I go over a bridge with my boys in the car.

Denise, 32

Lauri: You'd be surprised how many people send me this sort of dream and are afraid to drive over bridges—which symbolize transitions in life that can be scary. What tough situation are you going through that you wish you could get you and your sons out of? You always make it out in your dream, which is how your dreaming mind says you'll pull through just fine. You've got the chutzpah to get through anything, girlfriend! Remember that.

Denise replies: I can relate this dream to being diagnosed with severe dysphasia/pre-cervical cancer in the fall. I had two procedures to stop the growth and things are OK. It's been scary and I've wondered whether I was going to make it.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

I really enjoy reading your column. I think you're a natural and excellent psychic. For the past two years I've been going through some very difficult changes in my life. I feel I need to change my career to sustain the prolific lifestyle I desire. I always wanted to teach English literature at the high-school, and possibly university level. I've enjoyed working as a substitute, but lost interest in teaching because the pay isn't very rewarding. I'm very confused about what direction to take. Do you have any suggestions or see anything good coming my way this year?

Dark Night of the Soul

Dear Dark Night,

Your success is connected with the number 11. It could be the 11th of the month, or by November of this year. There are people around you who respect and admire you, but for some strange reason, you don't believe what they're telling you about your talents.

My immediate impression after reading your letter was, "Seminars: Teach to Business Professionals." You may help businesses by writing for their brochures, websites, commercials, and professional literature. You would still charge a fair price for the service, but it wouldn't be as expensive to new businesses as a big PR firm.

There is supposed to be ongoing literary accreditation connected with your career. Writing the biographies of local professionals and entertainers might be the springboard for your book or an ongoing column. The title I get for that is "And a little bit about (fill in the first person's name you thought of)."

If you continue teaching at high-school or university levels, it will be for you to continue to give back. But your "real" money will come from you being named an "expert" in some way.

• • •

Editor's note: The following letter is from a reader who first wrote to Mona in the December 16 issue of the Weekly, questioning her psychic abilities:

Thank you for your prompt, yet somewhat inaccurate reply. I give you high marks simply for answering my letter, and spending the time to type it. Not many people would do that in this overpopulated, rush-rush world. I think your psychic impression of me was of a young, bitter, spoiled, more-money-than-I-can-spend male punk who drives a brand new BMW. Far, far from the truth—what you thought was bitterness was merely a little sarcasm.

Forgive me if I offended you. I am 42 years old, happily married, and have a loving family and circle of friends that I cherish. Wealth? Ha! I've been working at the same job 10 years, making $9-$12 an hour. I've been on workman's comp for five months now after I got injured on the job. I've never had more than $5,000 in the bank in my whole life. Attractive? I look more like Al Bundy than Brad Pitt.

You were right, though, about being aloof (sometimes), witty, smart and creative. Isn't every man? Anyway, enough about me.

You have my respect and admiration simply because you're helping people by giving them a positive answer to their problems. Be optimistic, think positive and the world will give you great things. You put a smile on my face so I guess that's all that matters.

Thanks. I still doubt your psychic ability, but not your methods.

Doubting Thomas

Dear Doubting,

By the way, I didn't say you were young (smile). However, I believe if you stopped overthinking stuff in life, it would be more fun for you. A little more "just do it" and a little less "I've done that before" or "I don't think I'd like that."

Abundance is more than the amount in your bank account. If you have a loving wife, and supportive friends and family, you do have wealth.

Note to readers: My book, Chancing Life, Wisdom in a Dice Toss, is available at The Palms Casino Gift Shop and Vegas Beads; see for retailers.

Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts. E-mail questions to [email protected].

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