What Will the Future Hold?

Martin Stein

Martin Scorsese had a huge role in making Robert De Niro a star. Now, with De Niro starring in such high-quality projects like Analyze That and Shark Tale, we suspect Scorsese will turn his Svengali-like eye toward Bob's equal-billing co-star of Hide and Seek, Dakota Fanning, and remake his classics.

Meaner Streets

Dakota reprises De Niro's first big role as a crazy small-time criminal struggling on the mean streets of a playground in New York's Little Italy.

Taxi Driver 2: The Car Seat

As Tracy Bickle, Dakota is mesmerizing in a scene in which she puts on a fairy princess dress and dances in front of a mirror, asking her image, "You talkin' to me? Well, I'm the only one here ... and I look pretty!"

Raging Girl

Dakota shocks critics and fans alike when she gains 60 pounds to play a young Carnie Wilson in this gritty biopic of the Wilson Phillips member.

The Princess of Comedy

As Rosie Pupkin, Dakota wants to be on TV so badly that she stalks and kidnaps Barney, hiding the purple dinosaur in her clubhouse, using her Hello Kitty video camera to tape a show.


Dakota co-stars in the story of a trio of friends who work their way up through the Girl Guides hierarchy, starting with a cookie-selling scam and moving on to making false badges.

Cape Scaredy Cat

Her little arms covered in stick-on tattoos, Dakota portrays Maxine Cady, a schoolgirl stalking the family of a teacher who put her in after-class detention.

Casino Play Area

Dakota again co-stars in this tale of two little girls and the deception, greed, money and power struggles that occur as they fight for control over the ball pit at the Palms.

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