Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

(March 21-April 20)

One thing I can say about you, kid: You know how to work and party hard. No one can take care of business and get down and dirty like you. You're a hard-driving machine who loves to have fun. You would have been at home in ancient Greece, where balance was everything, an ideal world of creative industry and social interaction. Today and tomorrow, with the Moon in your sign, you'll make deals and take meals with movers and shakers. You're so "on" right now!

Love: there for you; Career: growing; Health: get to the gym.

(April 21-May 21)

The weekend is both productive and seductive, when the Moon enters Taurus. Bulls love it when work and play commingle. Though yours is the sign of labor, you're ruled by Venus, planet of love. Saturday the Moon squares Neptune (fantasies), and Mars (action) squares Saturn (discipline). Anticipate consequences of Wagnerian proportions. Possible scenario: a bubble-bath with a movie star followed by completion of your opus magnum, ta-dah!

Love: luxurious; Career: spot-on; Health: jolly good.

(May 22-June 21)

Fasten your seat belt! You're on the launching pad, about to soar away in your beautiful balloon! The new Moon and Mercury are in Gemini from Sunday through Tuesday and Jupiter's going direct in your fellow air sign, Libra. It's a nirvana moment for Geminis. The possibilities: a date with Brad Pitt (or Jennifer Aniston), tickets to O, more foam on your latte than you ever dreamed possible. I'm counting on you to take advantage of this window of opportunity.

Love: many-splendored; Career: dynamite! Health: steady.

(June 22-July 22)

"All my troubles, Lord, soon be over." This is the crab's lament as Saturn, the lesson-giving planet, ratchets down toward its parting shot on July 16. You've been itching to isolate under a mound of sand, but midweek brings relief when the Moon enters Cancer. You can celebrate this mellow interlude with creative work you've been putting off, or just take a tremendous nap. Venus, also in Cancer, indicates a romance brewing close to home.

Love: friendly; Career: you're a star! Health: sleep in.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

I know that was you I heard, shouting: "Air conditioning, I love you!" So you won't have trouble staying home this weekend, perhaps lolling around the old den with the other cats, waiting for a Moon square to get gone by Monday. The week gets off to a zippy start as you sextile a Gemini new Moon. You'll consider a move, strategize future financial maneuvers and think up fresh ways to be fabulous (though the old ways, I must admit, seem to be working pretty well).

Love: charming; Career: peaking; Health: rest up.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

Kvetch no more, Virgo, as the weekend wafts gently over you and the Moon enters Taurus, a relief for all Earth signs. As usual, you've been nitpicking about matters that are fairly unimportant, like work and love. "To lose yourself is to find yourself," said some sage somewhere (might have been me). So give it up, at least for the next few days. Repeat after me: "I'm rich, gorgeous and successful. And I can have desert if I want it!"

Love: lurking; Career: looking up; Health: bon!

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

You couldn't catch a break for months, but the ball's about to bounce back into your court, Librans, so take a swing and notice how easily it sails over the net. You've got a lot of collecting to do: Whatever you've been itching for is yours for the taking when Jupiter goes direct in your sign on Sunday. Phew! For air signs a retro Jupiter is not a pretty sight. You like to pretend you're cool, unruffled. (You can put away the Valium now.)

Love: it's ba-a-ck! Career: changing; Health: steady.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

With Venus conjuncting the Moon in Cancer and the Moon squaring Jupiter on Wednesday, it's time to hit the blast-off button, reticent Scorp. If you do, you'll suddenly discover you've magnetized a soul mate and jump-started your beautiful career. Both are waiting in the wings. A Jupiter square while Mercury's in Gemini means Big Thinking, so don't deny the crazy-wonderful ideas in that brilliant mind of yours. Go out and grab life. The world needs you!

Love: ready; Career: believe; Health: fab.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

Thanks for the compliment, Jeff. I promise I won't let it go to my head. Here's one for you: You're sharper than ever, so stretch beyond known boundaries this week. The Moon's in Aries Thursday-Friday, so find an Aries and a Leo to enhance your career/investment ambitions. It might look odd to see a horse, a ram and a lion going for the finish line, but competition with other high-energy critters spells inspiration for you.

Love: in tune; Career: hot; Health: sleep well.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Man walks into a bar. Sees a goat at the counter, downing a lager and the can. When the goat leaves, the man says to the bartender, "Did you see that goat drinking a beer and eating the can?" Bartender says, "Yeah, that was strange. He must be astrologically challenged today, 'cause he usually only comes in on the weekends." This weekend brings you happier hours with the Moon in Earth-friendly Taurus. Don't forget to leave a tip for the bartender (and a nickel for the can).

Love: helpful; Career: rising; Health: better.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

This is one week you'll want to bottle and keep in the cellar with the other fine wines. Jupiter in Libra goes direct on Sunday. (Yippee!) Plus, the Moon in fellow air sign Gemini makes Sunday-Tuesday pleasantly balmy for you. When Jupiter's nice it's very nice, and the goods just keep coming. So ask Santa for whatever you want now, and believe, oh skeptical one. (I speak of your Inner Santa, who brings gifts even during a heat wave).

Love: there! Career: here! Health: the best.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

On Friday Venus goes Cancerian, with romantic ops for all water signs, and Wednesday the Moon trines Neptune, your planetary ruler, symbol of fantasies and illusions. So things should go swimmingly now. Mutual attractions seem like "family." And sweet talk will be important, with the Moon and Mercury highlighted Monday-Tuesday. Let yourself go and read that poem to your potential soul mate, why don't you? This week, even a Hallmark hack will sound like Cupid.

Love: sings; Career: happens; Health: nurture it.

Martha Woodworth, Las Vegas astrologer and psychic, is the founder of the Psychic Learning Center and does private readings by telephone, e-mail and in-person. Reach her at 866-6682 or lasvegaspsychic.netfirms.com.

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