Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

(March 21-April 20)

You trine a Leo Moon this weekend, and Mars, your planetary ruler, enters Aries on Monday. It could be a hugely successful moment for you. Consider launching your own personal ocean liner, with a champagne christening and marching band. Something's about to happen that will blow your mind, capture your heart and expand your bank account. Take another Aries along, so you can be sure you're not dreaming. Love: early fireworks; Career: unstoppable; Health: even superstars need their rest.

(April 21-May 21)

You guys had your moment in the Moon last weekend. It was so good that the upcoming one squaring Leo should bother you about as much as a newly-mown clover patch. This week you'll nibble and sip and hold forth in your finery, accepting compliments from one and all for your enviable success and new look. After all, Taurus now sextiles Mercury, making for sweet talk with artists, musicians and other Venutian types. Hey, enjoy it; you've earned it. Love: yummy; Career: admirable; Health: well-managed.

(May 22-June 21)

You may feel you've lost your precious voice when Mercury turns to water this weekend, but cheer up, Gemini.(There's nothing more off-putting than a sulky air sign). The upside: You'll get to play under a Leo Moon, your sextile soul mate, and Monday Mars becomes spunky again, in Aries, another sexy pal. The great thing about being you right now is that Jupiter just went direct in your co-air sign, Libra. Truckloads of luck are due around Wednesday. Love: look around; Career: brilliant; Health: stay cool.

(June 22-July 22)

Get ready for a sudden soul mate sighting, with Venus in Cancer trining unpredictable Uranus. It's a quirky, romantic windfall you'll never see coming. Mercury turning to water (Pisces) this weekend means you'll be appreciated both for your inner radiance and your cute smile. Plus, the Moon's in your sign today and tomorrow. Home, a happy place for Cancerians, is where the heart is. Bask in a pool of radiant light. Your moment has arrived. Love: charmed; Career: close to perfect; Health: tip-top.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Mid-July, Saturn enters Leo, so expect lessons you'll (hopefully) put to good use over the next 29 years. But this weekend you're simply chillin', as Moon in Leo sextiles Mercury, and opposes dreamy Neptune, with mystical and practical results. You might even get some work done, and it's "easy like Sunday morning," as the song goes. Then you can hang with your pussycat, pretending you never have to work again. Love: yummy; Career: on; Health: better (Yes, JoAnn, I heard you roar!).

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

When the Moon envelops you in its amber glow for three days starting Monday, and sextiles Mercury and Venus to boot, you'll unwind as you haven't for a long time, possibly with a new soul mate. Just be cautious on Wednesday, when the Moon's in Libra, opposing Mars. Your imagination could run overtime. To keep that relationship humming, don't jump to conclusions. All will be revealed the week after next, when the full Moon's in Capricorn. Love: foxy; Career: stable; Health: time for a massage.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

When Jupiter squares Venus tomorrow you'll be having Big Ideas about love. Some Librans won't pass a bridal shop without drooling, and others will break out the high-class vino they've been storing for just such special moments. The big fat planet just went direct in your sign, which should put lobster on your plate and frosting on your cake. Life must seem like one big birthday party these days. Enjoy the feast, but be sure to pause between courses. Love: abounding; Career in motion; Health: super.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Things get a bit testy after Friday, so nestle in with a great book and some munchies this coming week. You need solitude anyway, to work on the creative ideas sure to reach fruition next weekend, when the Moon enters Scorpio. But do venture out while the Moon in Cancer trines your sign today and tomorrow. Water loves water, so let the music and the lights cascade over you, as you shore up inspiration for the greatness to come. Love: yourself; Career: about to pop; Health: it's bubble-bath time.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

Word's out (way out, in the cosmos) that this could be a great weekend for you. The Moon in Leo sextiles Jupiter (luck) and trines Pluto (power) in your sign. You'll sense that something wonderful is about to occur, probably in the areas of partnership, finances and travel. It's a good mix, but stay centered. Try not to get into unnecessary arguments with friends and lovers. Let the Universe have the final word. Love: on your side; Career: where it's supposed to be; Health: no need to hurry or worry.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

When Mercury enters Cancer on Saturday you'll find you're mentally better off than you've been under a Gemini square. But Mars enters Aries that day, another cardinal sign (of leadership) and one of the few that can really kick your butt. Consider dusting off your mantra and getting into a meditative state to avoid being a crotchety old goat. Oh, and Uranus goes retrograde on Tuesday, so keep your neck covered at all times. Gulp. Love: tread lightly; Career: put on a happy face; Health: relax.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

You square a Leo Moon this weekend, so to find peace "go deeper than a Shaolin monk,"(an advert for a meditation tape I once saw in The Mountain Astrologer.) Maybe you saw it too, since many Aquarians are highbrow stargazers and The Mountain, a lofty journal, is their favorite. Uranus, your ruler, retrogrades Tuesday. Aquarians loathe screechy sounds, such as fingernails on a chalk-board, so invest in some earplugs. The good news: You get used to it. Love: high-strung; Career: changing; Health: tinnitus, anyone?

(Feb. 19-March 20)

Moon and Mercury roll into Cancer this weekend, so you'll feel right at home. Set up that new office in the den, or create a meditation corner you'll need as Uranus in Pisces goes retrograde Tuesday until December, 2009. I don't mean to scare you, but ghosts from the past may try to contact you. Some can be spamblocked, but others walk right into your dreams without knocking. Keep a notebook bedside. It could result in a best seller, or a film with one of those big-eyed kid-stars. Love: crystal clear; Career: ask and receive; Health: tingly.

Martha Woodworth, Las Vegas astrologer and psychic, is the founder of the Psychic Learning Center and does private readings by telephone, e-mail and in-person. Reach her at 866-6682 or lasvegaspsychic.netfirms.com.

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