Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

(March 21-April 20)

The first of the week brings sweet moments as the Moon in fire sign Sagittarius trines your planetary ruler, Mars, and the Sun enters watery Cancer, tamping down tempers and finding you wanting to make nice with your sweetie. Instead of rocking out you could get down with Pavarotti by the Bellagio fountains, or stay home with Brahms. At least it won't be like the jam today, as self-determined you squares the Moon in Libra and are forced to do it "their way."(Ugh.) Love: close; Career: kickin'; Health: stoked.

(April 21-May 21)

Bully for you! You've held your own amidst the verbal blather of the twins (Sun in Gemini) and the emotional quicksand of love-struck crabs (Venus in Cancer). You've been sitting it out, peacefully munching on clover. Things could get a tad yukky for fastidious you, however, as you square the Moon today and tomorrow and oppose it on the weekend. May I recommend a four-day snooze? Oh, go ahead. They're all too busy being neurotic to notice. Love: joyful; Career: stable; Health: unload.

(May 22-June 21)

The next two days bring fun moments, in the form of grand ideas and the discipline to bring them to fruition. Moon in Libra conjuncts the "windfall" planet Jupiter, while Mercury trines Uranus, planet of sudden change. You could find yourself reversing decisions you thought were decided. It may sound like double-talk, but so much good stuff's happening astrologically now, it almost doesn't matter where you land, and though you may flip, you won't flop. Love: too good; Career: funny; Health: eschew seconds.

(June 22-July 22)

Venus trines Uranus in Cancer today, and the Moon in water sign Scorpio does the same on Saturday, so you should be floating happily downstream with few impediments. With the Moon trining Venus on Sunday, anything goes, especially where soul mates and family fun are concerned. Picnic with people you love under the stars and the lunar orb, your planet, or just spread a blanket on the front lawn and gaze away at the magnificent possibilities awaiting your charmed life. Love: tender; Career: easy; Health: blessed.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Sunday to Tuesday evening, with the Moon in flexible Sagittarius and the Sun in domesticated Cancer, you'll feel playful and snug at home. Tuesday, as the Moon conjuncts Pluto, you're suddenly Martha Stewart, with a get-out-of-jail card and loved ones urging you toward a mogul-like comeback. This week you could sell ice cream to Siberians by simply looking rich and perky. You faked it and you're making it, so take it to the limit one more time. Love: you're popular; Career: unlimited; Health: triumphant.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

You've been through the mill, Virgo, and need a break. You'll get your chance midweek when the Moon enters Capricorn, a companionable earth sign. Lately you've been underappreciated for your gifts, but the Universe doesn't always play fair. The road to hell, you've learned recently, is paved with good intentions. You owe it to yourself to let the full Moon on Wednesday cradle, renew and nourish your own dreams for a change. Love: the Real Thing's coming along; Career: reliable; Health: hug yourself a lot.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

The next two days are rewarding, when the Moon in Libra conjuncts Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion. A conjunction is two planets colliding, so your prayers will soon be answered. Just stay open to receive. With Jupiter now direct, you shouldn't have to work overtime. But the Moon squares Saturn today, so you'll have a tendency to pound the treadmill unnecessarily. If you're too busy, you might not hear the delivery guy with your goodies. Love: a truck-full; Career: fab; Health: breath deeply.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

The weekend is an easily digestible feast, as the Moon in Scorpio trines Uranus and Mercury on Saturday, and Venus and Saturn on Sunday. This combination of compatible planets offers excitement, good conversation, love and, yes, even work. The lesson: It's possible to "have it all." You'll trade recipes, lick the frosting off the results and even finish what you started weeks ago, as the full Moon in Capricorn favors career success on Wednesday. Bon apetit! Love: luscious; Career: sparking; Health: wonderful.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

You're fated to have a ball on Monday, when the Moon in Sagittarius trines Mars and sextiles Jupiter. It's called a "lucky streak," and you're on it. Of course, you guys are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and optimism. You've hardly known a completely bad day in your life, isn't that right? Still, you'll be hard put to think of another moment you've felt so certain about crossing the finish line. (Don't forget to smile for the cameras!) Love: everybody loves a winner; Career: it's a bonanza; Health: chompin'.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

On Tuesday the Moon in Capricorn conjuncting Pluto, the planet of power, lends muscle to any transaction you've been worried about lately. Then, with the full Moon still in Capricorn on Wednesday, you can bring your plans to a victorious close, or at least put the finishing touches on them, sure of a winner. This is the perfect moment, in other words, for Capricorns to cap the deal, steal the spotlight, make hay. Love: a bonus; Career: on the upswing; Health: robust.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

A Venus-Neptune quincunx occurs today (it's a 150-degree planetary aspect indicating that you've been going through a lot of ups and downs and are still making the necessary adjustments). Yours is a fixed sign, but having been born in air, you're adept at sliding up and down the scale of life better than most. And with the Moon in Libra, you should enjoy the two-day ride. In love there may be distracting clouds, so tread lightly on the soul-mate runway. Love: illusive; Career: stable; Health: tune up.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

Mercury trines Uranus today, for sharp and intuitive thinking and speaking. You'll get ideas across easily in the coming week. Don't be surprised if the skeptics you've tried to convince recently are suddenly, inexplicably, on your side. So call back (last week's) grumpy personnel guy at the place you want to work, and be prepared to be well-received. All you have to fear is past rejections, so wave bye-bye to failure and flow with success. Love: swimming toward you; Career: ditto; Health: why, it's bubbling right along.

Martha Woodworth, Las Vegas astrologer and psychic, is the founder of the Psychic Learning Center and does private readings by telephone, e-mail and in-person. Reach her at 866-6682 or lasvegaspsychic.netfirms.com.

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