PSYCHIC VIEW: These Toolish Things

Business, love and money intersect to raise questions



with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

My family and I were at a hotel. My dad and I were swimming in the pool when he got sucked down the drain. He ended up in the hospital. The doctor said he was going to be fine. What does this mean?

Kelly, 22

Lauri: When our dreams place us in a hotel, it means we're in a temporary situation in waking life, just as we're in hotels only briefly. What temporary situation are you and your family going through that might cause you to be separated from your dad? Perhaps the two of you are growing apart. The older we girls get, the more we separate from our dads emotionally. There's some separation anxiety going on here. Your dad was just fine in the dream, which means your inner mind is reassuring you all will be well in waking life too, and your relationship with your dad will remain intact no matter what issue you face.

Kelly replies: You're right. I'm very close to my dad and always thinking about how things will be different when I move out. Thank you!

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is

My background: I completed my auto-body repair major at Los Angeles Trade Technical Junior College in 1965. I've been involved in all aspects of the collision industry since. In 1992 I started a mobile-tool sales business with a major distributor and worked there until 1996. In 2001, after attending the auto-body trade show at the Las Vegas Convention Center, I decided to switch to auto-body consumables instead of tools (which are too mass-marketed). I've tried different avenues with moderate success. My biggest problem is that I'm always scratching for capital!

Me and a man I've been mentoring are considering combining talents in business. We seem to complement each other's talents quite well. In business I always look for quality products, and maybe something I can offer that my competitors don't or won't. After much thought, I've discovered a major void in the auto-body consumables market, and related items. This idea I believe is good enough to possibly be franchised across the United States. My friend's wife is also a part of this situation, and has much to offer.

I've studied and practiced numerology for a number of years, and have also experienced a divine intervention. My friend's wife and I have 4's and he has 7's. In numerology, 4's and 7's tend to overthink everything, so it's possible to lose direction. I've learned to pay attention to the unexpected. I believe my tuning into your program is a message. My question is: What do your cards say about me and/or my friends in business, and in which direction? What about working capital? I like to listen to your program, but most of the time it's on too late for me.

Tool Time

Dear Tool Time,

Your idea needs to be copyrighted as soon as possible. I'd like you to discuss the rights with the appropriate attorney. You may end up obtaining your capital from one of the major companies whose products you previously promoted. You may be able to form this business under their corporate umbrella. You'd then become president of that division. Or perhaps you form the company with your partners and the major company outsources this aspect of the business to you. Either way, it means you're not scraping for money. Remember, due diligence—you must own the idea first. Once it's established, it'll spur competitors to copy their version of it. Every great thing in the world began as a thought somewhere. You weren't ready to act on yours until now.

By the way, 4's are more of the overthinkers than 7's. Fours really need a firm foundation to take a leap into something new, whereby 7's are always reaching up to the "new." Your friend has an amazing capacity to see greater possibilities in even the most ordinary things—he's the perfect person to see the bigger picture.

I'm reluctant to tell you this, however: There is a soul connection with you and your friend's wife. It feels very easy for you to be around her; it's as though you two have known each other for many lifetimes. The relationship she has with your friend is rather unique. They are very mentally/spiritually connected but not so much in other neighborhoods of the relationship. I see they laugh together a lot and do things together, but it feels more like they're very good friends.

The ending card in your reading is The Lovers. That placement can represent that this project evokes so much love (for the involved parties) that it will create enough momentum to be outrageously successful. Or, you fall in love with your friend's wife. In its highest form this card represents the gift of compassionate love and the ability to love beyond the lustful and romantic. This is how your friend loves his wife.

The period between August and October is significant for this project. Good Luck!

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Mona Van Joseph is a licensed professional in the psychic arts through the city of Las Vegas. Her show, Midnights with Mona, airs weeknights on KDWN 720 AM.You may e-mail questions to [email protected].

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