Just be sure it’s prepped

Anne Kellogg

With summer officially upon us, it's time to discuss the ins and outs of public displays of skin.

We'll start with the feet and work our way up. If you expose your toes to the world by running around town in sandals, flip-flops or bare feet (cringe), please take the time to groom your feet properly. There are few things worse than the public exposure of dirty, dry, scaly feet with sawtooth toenails and overgrown cuticles.

When your own grooming skills or tools aren't up to the task, look to the professionals in nail salons who are licensed and trained to handle the job. Find a place that features foot Jacuzzis and massage chairs for a real treat. Rancho Nails is one of our favorites because it's in the neighborhood and it's always the right price: $35 for a manicure and pedicure.

Gentlemen, if the thought of a pedicure makes you wince, check out Truefitt & Hill inside the Forum Shops. This London grooming institution has only been servicing men for the last 200 years. While you're there for the pedicure, treat yourself to a proper straight-razor shave and decent haircut, too.

Next, let's talk about the stomach. An old friend used to wish everyone would adhere to her Belly Rule that essentially would make it unacceptable for anyone to expose a navel (with or without rings) when they are more than 200 yards from a body of water large enough to take recreation in. For the most part, my friend's rule was created to protect people from making complete idiots of themselves by exposing flesh not appropriate for public display. For instance, shirtless concertgoers and pedestrians on Maryland Parkway would be in violation. Not so for those near or in pools, lakes, rivers, oceans and swimming holes. Of course, the rule is null and void for anyone with six-pack abs. They work hard for those muscles, so we should all be rewarded.

Sunscreen is also an important factor when it comes to summer. Remember: Never leave home during the day without applying it. And as the back of the tube says, reapply every half hour if participating in sports or swimming. Don't forget your face, ears and the tops of your feet. Sunburned feet are just as nasty as dirty feet—seriously.

And try to wear a hat and sunglasses. Eyeballs need protection, too.

Rancho Nails, 901 S. Rancho Drive, 386-0600. Truefitt & Hill, Forum Shops at Caesars, 3500 Las Vegas Blvd. S., 735-7428

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Anne Kellogg is a native Las Vegan who has a thing for purchasing stuff. E-mail her at
[email protected].

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