OVER IT! 48 Trends, Phrases, News Items, Bad Habits & Brilliant Ideas That Are Over

Plus! Our highly enlightened suggestions for what is, or in some cases should be, fashionable instead.

Richard Abowitz,
Josh Bell,
Steve Bornfeld,
Greg Cheeseman,
Wesley Gatbonton,
Damon Hodge,
Greg Blake Miller,
Martin Stein,
Stacy J. Willis and
T.R. Witcher

1. Out: Waxing on about the "anticipated arrival" of a Las Vegas art scene. It's here. Go check it out.

In: Waxing. It's pool season. Please.

2. Out: The return of Old Las Vegas

In: The return of New Las Vegas

Out: Competition

In: Mergers

Out: $130,000 three-bedroom houses.

In: Dinner party-wrecking conversations about the possible real estate bubble.

3. Out: Painstaking scrutiny of the interior life of the Catholic Church.

In: Who's in charge of all those Unitarians, anyway?

4. Out: Watching television in real time, the way the networks and God intended.

In: DVRs, TiVo, Satellite-to-brain implants

5. Out: Butt cleavage peeking up from low-cut pants

In: A mirror in which you look at yourself from the back before you go out, and reconsider

6. Out: Weekly's fascination with lists, like, say, this one

In: Weekly's forthcoming fascination with cryptography

7. Out: Inscrutable writing on the butt of sweat pants

Out: Man-pris, or capris for men, no matter what any fashion guru says

In: Pants, plain and simple

Out: Anything for men that needs to qualify itself with the words "for men"

Still In: The Letterman guy saying, "WorldWide pants"

8. Out: Fawning over Rush Limbaugh's vitriolic, right-wing rantings

In: Fawning over Ann Coulter's vitriolic, right-wing rantings

Out: Whining that Fox News isn't nearly as fair and balanced as, say, the New York Times

In: Authoritively citing Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo and other Saturday Night Live cast members as your news sources

9. Out: Rappers starting clothing lines

In: Anyone with a modicum of celebrity starting clothing lines

Out: Baby blue as a gangsta color. We don't care what it's called on the street, it's still baby blue.

In: Fuchsia. Think of it as blue meets blood-red, biyotch!

Out: Biyotch, bi-otch, or any similar bastardization of the perfect word, bitch

In: See Ann Coulter, above

10. Out: Being cool and detached

In: Being passionate

11. Out: Valet parking every night.

In: Ballet parking—take in some other culture!

12. Out: Friendster.com

In: Myspace.com

13. Out: Congressional obsession with Mark McGwire.

In: Congressional obsession with steroid use in the NFL.

Innies: What testes become after too much steroid use.

14. Out: Pimpin' as a verb

In: Pimpin' as a noun. (What's up, pimpin?)

Out: Actual pimping

15. Out: Trucker hats

In: Ewan McGregor

In: Asserting a link between two things that have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. Or do they?

16. Out: Free speech on campus, apparently

In: Booking speakers

17. Out: Fixating on the excruciating details of Britney's pregnancy

In: Runaway Georgia Bride-Watch, the reality TV series!

Out: Reality television

In: Anime

In Again: Gay cartoon characters. Or should we say "out"?

18. Out: Any more Law & Order spinoffs.

In: Privately obsessing on whether Alan Alda will beat Jimmy Smits for the presidency next season on The West Wing

Out: Any reasonable hope of seeing Bill Clinton become First Man in real life

In: Getting all atwitter over the idea of a Hillary Clinton White House anyway

19. Out: The leaky ceiling of the tunnel under McCarran International Airport

In: The leaky ceilings of the Regional Justice Center

20. Out: "Got milk?" phrases that replace "milk" with any other word

In: "What's it to you, lard ass?"

21. Eternally In: Spam mail

Eternally Out: Spam mail

22. Out: Heated talk about campaign finance reform.

In: Round-the-clock political fundraisers.

23. Out: Relentless print analysis of Harry Reid and any quaint mention of Searchlight, Nevada

In: Bruce Woodbury, Man of Mystery

24. Out: Modesty

In: Jane Fonda writing about having threesomes with first husband Roger Vadim and a stream of hookers in her new autobiography

In: Fonda's new autobiography

Out: Feng Shui

In: Jane Fonda's Atlanta apartment (as described by a Time magazine reporter) in which the foyer and hallway are shaped like a vagina, opening up into a womblike living room

Out: Good taste

In: Garages shaped like colons, opening up to an environmental situation that looks like a waste repository

Out: Euphemisms

In: Perception-sensitive terminology

25. Out: A resolution to the West's water crisis

In: The Interior Department mandating Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming bicker over the many forms of stalemate.

26. Out: Worrying about the imminent apocalypse ... again. See: NBC's spiritual miniseries "Revelations" that reached 15.6 million viewers and the History Channel's Mysteries of the Bible: Apocalypse: The Puzzle of Revelation

In: Worrying that we're in this for the long haul.

27. Out: The revival of any diet that prohibits bread

In: A nice soft layer of all-natural body fat: It's nature's leisure suit.

Out: Finger foods

In Again: Wendy's chili

Out: Anything nubbish and unidentified in any food you didn't make yourself. Please don't put it in your mouth.

28. Out: Calling anything "hot." Way to ruin it for the rest of us, Paris

In: Calling things "caustic," as in "That new Mustang is so caustic!" or "Your new girlfriend wants to have a threesome with you and her roommate? That's caustic, dude!"

In: Arguing over whether Paris is in or out. Or in. Or out. It's caustic, dude.

Out: "Dude"

In: Dude ranches. Fun for the entire family.

Out: The R-J's horseback and muleback trek across the wild, wild west in which people were injured in the name of fine Centennial journalism.

In: Worker's comp?

29. Out: Complaining about the DMV. They've got snazzy kiosks now! Problem solved!

In: Complaining about restaurants that don't take reservations: "But I don't want to carry around a little flashing red beeper for 45 minutes! Here's $20."

30. Out: Self check-out lanes at grocery stores that chastise you when you've removed something from the bagging area.

In: Self-check out pharmacies, wave of the future

In: Video games in which you, as a cop, opt for drugs and experience momentary elevated performance!

Soon to be In: Video games in which you, as an addict, lie tied down to a rehab gurney seeing millions of evil bugs crawling out of people's eyes, and beg for sobriety

31. Out: "What Happens Here, Stays Here"

In: "Vegas: Everybody Here is Fleeing From Something"

See Runaway Bride, above

Out: Comparing Las Vegas to other cities (NOTE: Weekly did this last week, and will again in near future. Nonetheless.)

In: Comparing Las Vegas to small, hand-fed rodents

32. Out: Chanel-type sunglasses; the type you see worn inside nightclubs

In: Welding goggles; the type that let you stare all you want at Rehab

33. Out: SUVs that are bigger (and better equipped) than U.S. Army tanks

In: Frugal, stylish, classic Yugos

Out: The Iraqi War that we're still not out of

In: How will we ever get out of the Iraqi War we're still in?

Out: Oil and gasoline (unless you've emptied your kid's college fund)

In: Frugal, stylish, classic Yugos, equipped with either a) hybrid technology or b) holes in the floorboard for Flinstone foot action

34. Out: Exit signs

In: Entrance signs. Or do we have that backwards?

35. Out: Cheering aggressively while your kids play ball

In: Playing ball with your kids

36. Incredibly out: Paula Abdul's denial of drug abuse and insistence that her drugs are prescribed for a medical condition

Really Out: Paula Abdul's driving misadventures

In: Paula Abdul's rumored backstage affairs with American Idol contestants

Really In: Wasn't Paula Abdul that 80s singer?

Incredibly In: She seems like a nice little woman, but can you change the channel?

37. Out: Poker

In: Poker. It's universal—in, out, up, down, sideways, on every channel.

38. Out: Tipsy fat cat Wynn executive and politico wife driving in Porsche Boxter on a nice April night on the Strip

In: Tasered, arrested, cops don't care you know Michael Mack, locked up

39. Out: Theme weddings

In: Theme divorces: "Break it off in Old Western costumes!" at the Little White Divorce Court of the West

40. Out: Quality programming on Black Entertainment Television

In: More ass-shaking videos

Out: Quality programming on many stations

Hard to shake: The appeal of ass-shaking

41. Out: Wondering what Wynn looks like on the inside. (Answer: He's flesh and blood and approximately 600 microchips and 2,000 circuit boards, just like the rest of us.)

In: Wondering whether the Trump International Hotel and Tower will look like Bellagio, too.

42. Out: Trials, Retrials, Re-enacted Trials

In: Guilty / Not Guilty fortune cookies: "Your honor, we find the defendant ... will likely experience romance in the near future ... Guilty!"

43. Out: Professional hockey

In: What? Hockey was cancelled? Can they do that? I love hockey. When did this all happen?

44. Out: The Boston Red Sox. (So 1918 to 2004). (So in a movie now.)

In: The Washington Nationals (they don't suck!).

45. Out: Celine Dion

In: Barry Manilow

Truth: Nobody knows the difference.

46. Out: We're so landlocked.

In: What? Have you driven to the road to Tonopah?

47. Out: Any attempt to order your pastrami on pumpernickel while fingering your Blackberry

In: Convenience stores and delis with "No Service While On Cell Phone" signs

Soon to be in: Rows and rows of vacant convenience stores and delis; a cell-phone-less ghost town

48. Out: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Wasn't there a time when everyone was suffering—suffering!—with this affliction?

In: "Side effects may include hypothermia, rash, fever, anal leakage, hair loss, vision impairment, sleep disorders, ingrown toenails, strange tolerance for the Bush Administration, heart palpitations, hunger, weight loss, weight gain, extra hitches in your getalong, mild paralysis of the lips, tongue, and throat, deep sense of existential angst, longing for the 1950s, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, desperation, devastation, deviation, suicidal tendencies, longing for the music of Suicidal Tendencies, congestion, runny nose, headache, back ache, complete muscular atrophy, fondness for Kristy McNichol, indigestion, exasperation, humiliation, public humilation, fondness for public humiliation, fixation on the Social Security system, funky dreams, ill-advised decision-making regarding one's sleepmate, alcoholism, maternalism, creationism, fetishism, judgmentalism, superhero-like strength and a concurrent desire to pick up parked cars and toss them around like stones, and/or carpal tunnel syndrome."

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