Heavens Above

Martha Woodworth

(March 21-April 20)

With Mercury, planet of speech and thought, entering Gemini on Saturday, and the Moon in your sign on June 1 trining and conjuncting Jupiter, you'll be mentally and verbally rambunctious. You could find yourself running off at the mouth, spilling stuff you wish you hadn't, but fear not: Who can resist an Aries in springtime? You're the kids of the Zodiac, and know how to lay on the charm when the sun shines. So kick up your heels and let it rip. (You can always make amends to your cousin Louise and her blue eye shadow the morning after Uncle Foster's memorial buffet.) Love: giddy; Career: who cares? Health: formeedahble.

(April 21-May 21)

These next couple of days will feel good, thanks to the Moon in Capricorn, one of your "family" of Earth signs. You'll be practical but mellow, and pleasantly segue into the weekend, ready to get down in the pasture with the homies in your herd. Money matters won't cause freakish scenes because you'll balance the books and still have the moolah for several pairs of cloppers at DSW and a few tall ones at your favorite watering hole. At work, they're planning to nudge you forward (in a good way). But this month home is where the heart is, so don't forget to send cards and letters. Love: friendly; Career: snug; Health: what, you worry?

(May 22-June 21)

June, your birthday month, will be bustin' out all over for you, especially in money and love, possibly with an Aquarian and fellow Star Wars fan. Don't worry about missing the movie. There are vast showings around town, so you can make out in the back row and still see it all at least once. You are entering a phase that can only be described as "an embarrassment of riches." Do you have a book on the burner? A series of paintings stacked against the wall? Tie a string around 'em and get on down to the publisher or gallery toot-sweet. Love: entering, stage right; Career: ever heard of the "gold ring"? Health: take your vitamins.

(June 22-July 22)

Mercury and Venus are in Gemini this week. Sounds like double-talk, and it brings out an oddly verbose variety of (usually secretive) crab. Your self-protective nature comes to the fore strategizing new partnership plans, but you'll create a win-win situation for everyone. Just try not to reveal the exciting new project you've been working on too soon. You'll be tested, because your ideas are brilliant, and who doesn't want the world to know it's about to witness a miracle? Caution, my friend. You still have a couple of months until Saturn leaves the building. You'll be glad you waited to send out those "new baby" cards. Love: glowing; Career: getting warmer; Health: tense but safe.

(July 23-Aug. 23)

Wednesday brings out the roaring you as Mercury (in Gemini) trines Jupiter under a fire-sign Moon. Hot, chatty babes (or maybe just one—yours) are in evidence, because Jupiter is in Libra, sign of relationships. Moon, June, tune, spoon. It's all a big, bubbling, loquacious cauldron of seething sensuality, provenance of jungle royalty. Probably the best thing you can do this week is to dance, cubs, dance, under that winking, lunar orb above the Strip, or off it if you favor a less tourist-y adventure. Gather a throng, throw on a thong, and boogie on down. You're ready for a blowout. Love: sexy; Career: what's that? Health: too, too good.

(Aug. 24-Sept. 22)

Don't you adore Las Vegas in the hot months? If you're a woman, about 2 p.m. your face starts melting off. Mascara, foundation, lipstick—it all goes.If you're a man, your whiskers, pleasantly scratchy in December, now make you feel like a large hair ball. Being a tidy Virgo, you hate to let 'em see you sweat. Nevertheless, you should be pleased this Tuesday, when the Moon in Capricorn brings cool news around work and money. With Mercury squaring you in Gemini, you're sure to be looking for the fly in the ice cube. Try not to overanalyze this dream-come-true or it could melt away. Love: icy; Career: chillin'; Health: stay out of the Sun.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

The weekend could have you itching to do something really big with your life, like morphing into Darth Vader, running for president or shopping at the Fashion Show Mall with no restraints. The Moon's in Aquarius, trining Jupiter, and Mercury's in Gemini, so everything's about feeling air-born, expanding and buzzing. To avoid hot air, dodge the neighbor who hangs over your car door chatting vaguely about crabgrass. You might want to refrigerate your cell phone Saturday morning. A love call could scorch your ears. (It's a good thing.) Think about taking a plunge in the lake. Love: swingin'; Career: looking way up; Health: hot and cold.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Tuesday the Moon's in Pisces, trining Saturn. This should be pleasant for you. The usual Scorpionic deluge is restrained, merely a hum in the old ravine. You might want to stay home to get some of the romantic/mystical 12th-house spillover. Candles, scented bath salts, boning up on your meditation skills—can't hurt. Wear a lot of watercolors, like turquoise, lilac and pink. You're more partial to acid green and midnight blue, but this week calls for an impressionistic approach. Well, O.K. You can still listen to your new Sting album. Love: softly; Career: not now; Health: sooth it.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 20)

With the Moon in resourceful Capricorn today, you might want to begin looking for that dream stable in which to park your life. A good "deal estate" is out there waiting for you, Satyricon. Tuesday, as the Moon enters fellow fire sign Aries, you'll ignite a love-fest, either with someone special or just your own sweet self. If it feels good, do it (as long as it doesn't involve nuclear weapons or the police). Kick back in the hay; remote, Dirty Harry and a brewski on hand. Make that remote, Bridget Jones and Diet Coke if you're a woman. Stereotyping? I just know what goes on at our house when Mars & Moon enter the picture. Love: pleasant; Career: up; Health: coming back.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

I love the word "gambol." No, it's not what people do at casinos. "Running and jumping about in play" is how the dictionary defines it. "To caper. To frolic." It's your turn, frisky nanny-goat, to kick up your heels and eat a few tin cans if that's your fancy, because the Moon is in your sign the next couple of days. Plus, Jupiter squaring the lunar orb often leads to extreme fun. Certain goats may eschew cans for escargot and rare wines at one of the pricier dining spots in town; or simply break out the onion dip and invite the other party animals over for a barnyard ballyhoo. Love: earthy; Career: challenging, but that's so you; Health: up to par.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

Things will be a lot less serious for you come the weekend, as the Moon in your sign trines Mercury in Gemini. And with the Moon also trining Jupiter and sextiling Mars on Friday, you'll want to let your hair down and spread the love. If that's one too many things to do, just lie around the house being luxuriously lazy. You've been working overtime lately, and deserve to pamper yourself, not always an easy thing for cerebral air signs. Ask your body what it needs. If it says "Love!" or "A salad!" go for it. If it says "chewing tin foil and sniffing glue," pretend it's someone else's body and ignore it. Love: close; Career: gaining; Health: go lightly.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

On Monday, the Moon in your sign trines Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion). May I assume you'll go out with pail and shovel over the next few days to scoop up clameroons? (That's what New Englanders call M-O-N-E-Y). Unfortunately, dear guppy, you can be a spendthrift in the company of mucho dineros, which are sure to turn up soon. Please deposit a few mollusks under the reef before crashing the Strip. Still, you'd look awfully good in that aqua-and-gold T-shirt at Mandalay Bay. Buy, don't deny, but save some for the chowdah. Love: daring; Career: car-pool; Health: slather on the Coppertone or end up a fried mollusk.

Martha Woodworth, Las Vegas astrologer and psychic, is the founder of the Psychic Learning Center and does private readings by telephone, e-mail and in-person. Reach her at 866-6682 or lasvegaspsychic.netfirms.com.

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