Not So Loud! And Shut Those Blinds!

A few suggestions for handling the next-day hangover

Las Vegans are party professionals. We know who to grease at the door and whose ear we need to whisper into. We're adept at getting a bartender's attention and delivering our order in staccato fashion. We even know if a club is too full, we only have to wait until 1:30 or 2 a.m., at which point all the LA tourists will be passed out or vomiting. But sometimes even we overdo it. In those rare instances when we have one martooni too many, here are some suggestions for dealing with the inevitable hereafter. That is to say, the morning.

Greasy stuff. Ahh, nothing seems to go (and stay) down easier the morning after than a couple of eggs, some sausages and toast to mop up the remnants. Scientists much smarter than us swear that drinking reduces blood-sugar levels, and greasy food provides a quick fix. All that oily goodness also lines your poor stomach, helping to lessen that queasy feeling. Hmm, maybe that tripe isn't such a bad idea, after all. As to where to go, pick your favorite diner—the town's full of them. Us? We like our advertisers.

Menudo. There's nothing like a steaming bowl of calf's feet, chilies, tripe (that's stomach lining to you and me), hominy and seasonings to take your mind off how God-awful you feel. Mostly because it's hard to think when you're bent over the toilet bowl. But Mexicans swear by this soup as the ultimate hangover cure, and 106 million Latinos can't all be wrong. Fausto's Mexican Grill serves it up, conveniently enough, on the weekends. 2654 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Henderson. 617-2246; 595 College Drive, Henderson. 568-1220.

Gatorade. Yes, we know, it's not food. But hey, are you really in the mood to eat, anyway? Gatorade is mostly water, which your dehydrated wreck of a body so desperately needs. It also is chock-full of electrolytes, including potassium, which the evil, evil, yummy alcohol stole from you. Plus, the potassium will help ease any muscle aches you might have from proving to your friends that you're still the limbo king.

Advil, coffee and a hot bath. Home-tested by our very own A&E editor. The reason for the Advil should be obvious. The coffee will help perk you up and caffeine acts as a vasoconstrictor, reducing the size of blood vessels which all those cocktails have swollen up to Michael Moore size. While that will also help ease your throbbing melon, coffee is a diuretic and will leave you dehydrated. That's where the bath comes in. Plus, there's nothing like sweating all those toxins out of your body. Forty-five minutes and you'll be good to go. A little shriveled maybe, but still good to go.

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