Peggy Plots Your Planets

Peggy Allison


with Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I have recurring dreams about reuniting with my ex-boyfriend. But I'm married and haven't spoken to him in over 10 years. I saw him with his family several years ago, but never made eye contact. Why do I keep dreaming about him?

Jennifer, 37

Lauri: Was he your first love? We still dream of our first loves, even if we've moved into a happy marriage. Don't worry, it's not that you want him back, it's that you want what he represents back: excitement, bubbles, passion! You're likely to get these dreams when your marriage gets too routine, as all marriages do from time to time. Your dream is using your ex to remind you of the passion that's still alive inside of you! These dreams are good for you and should be taken as a wake-up call to get thyself to Victoria's Secret and buy something red and lacy ... spice it up, sister!

Jennifer replies: It makes so much sense now. He was my first love. There was lots of excitement and passion. He taught me how to rebuild an engine and change my own oil, chew tobacco and smoke cigars. We'd do things so spontaneously. He even got me listening to heavy metal. He opened me up to a whole new world. I wasn't so self-conscious as I am now. I do need to spice things up.

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg's website is thedreamzone.com

(March 20-April 19)

Perk up your ears and hear this, little ram. Saturn is moving forward again and Venus is calling on Pisces. This is quite good. Best wishes to you rams who are celebrating their birthday this week. Palm Sunday falls this weekend, and Passover begins next week. Watch Saturday as Mars moves into opposition with Pluto. Keep your words soft and tender. You cannot ask the Easter Bunny to hop in on this one. He won't arrive for another week. The sun gets a wink from Neptune. Share your hopes, wishes and dreams with others. This is one of those weeks when you have the desire to search for the true meaning of things. Take time off and play a little on Friday and Saturday while the moon in Leo smiles at your sun. Do take out some time for R&R.

(April 19-May 20)

Okay, little bull, take my word on this. Pluto and Mars are in opposition this Saturday. This is the time for compromise. You cannot get bullheaded in the business department because some people may not share your ideas. Sunday rings in a happier note. The sun and Neptune exchange pleasantries. Share a few dreams with family members. This week, shop for the perfect little bonnet to cover your horns. Make a wish and set a goal for the next month, while we are between the new moon and the full moon. Do argue about your values. And your banker may not be friendly. Use your energy to earn more, not spend more. You may need to expand your social life. Take some time off on Sunday.

(May 21-June 21)

Dear little twin, we know you love to chat. Well, keep your words soft and tender in your department of relationships, both personal and business. Mars is in your sign providing an abundance of energy. Your communication department is speeding up, and so is your career. The sun gets a happy signal from Jupiter. Share a few ideas with someone—ideas about your daily work. Also share some of the knowledge you have been researching lately. Make a wish and set a goal for the month before the full moon next week. Jupiter sends a message to Mercury. An honor or award could be waiting for you. You can fly, little air sign.

(June 21-July 22)

Many of your little Aries pals celebrate their birthday this week and this lights up your career house. Watch shared resources. As Jupiter hooks up with Uranus, what better time for a vacation? Yes indeed, little crab, no need to build sand castles in your own back yard. Seek other shores. You could find yourself in one huge debate with your daily work. Someone may not share your values. Chat with a Leo. They share a few of your values. Dig up a few of your creative ideas. The sun beams at Neptune and it's an excellent time to share your fame with others.

(July 22-Aug. 22)

Okay, little lion, this should give you something to roar about. The moon is in your sign Friday and Saturday. Do not share your creative ideas with other people this weekend. Mars will be in opposition to Pluto. Chat with your partner. Mars kicks into Cancer next week and a few things may be developing behind the scenes. Invite a little ram out for a birthday lunch. Remember, you are both fire signs and the moon in Leo brings a glow to both of you, as well as Sag, the other fire sign of the zodiac. The moon is compatible with all of you. Now make your wish and set your goal as we sit between the new moon and the full moon. The moon winds down in Cancer today, so smile at your crabby buddies.

(Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

I know you love to detail and analyze things, but this weekend you must keep your opinions to yourself. You could bring war to the home front. Separate your home and work problems. The boss could be on the warpath. Wednesday is a terrific day to share your values with other people. Neptune gets a wink from the sun and you may want to discuss your daily work with someone. Your house of relationships glows with three planets. Jupiter is helpful. It could be time to chat with others. Yes indeed, communicate. Ring the bell loud and clear. Now watch your finances. Your partner may have a desire to spend more than you would like. Share Sunday with your friends.

(Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Remember, little peacemaker, you are ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Be careful about sharing your higher knowledge with others. You are lovers, not the warriors. The sun and Neptune make a nice aspect on Sunday. Relationships glow this week. An opportunity to travel could take you away from your daily work just in time to settle a nerve or two. Choices are often difficult for you, but the moon flows into your sign on Tuesday and love could flow in. Opportunities arise suddenly. It's a fabulous week to negotiate, and you will not need your scales to weigh your decision. The universe is there for you.

(Oct. 22-Nov. 22)

This is not a good week to chat with your banker. In fact, this is not the time to discuss money with anyone. With three planets in your house of fun, love, children and play, this is a time for fun, not war. If you need to chat about shared resources on the home front, go ahead. This is a good time. We are between the new and full moon, so make a wish and set your monthly goal. I know, little detective, most of the planets are in the lower half of your chart, so you feel more like working on an introverted level, not an extroverted level. You want to deal on your personal level and not a public level. Spend time with the family.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Yes indeed, little traveler, the sun gets a wink from Neptune. It's a marvelous time for writing. Go with the flow. Make your wish and set a goal or two. Many surprises arrive on the home front. Okay, dear Sag, watch others in your relationship department. Use your energy for creativity. Mars will not visit this section of the chart for another two years once it eases out next Wednesday. Letters and/or phone calls may be coming. Yes indeed, the unexpected lands on the home front. You work behind the scenes on a career opportunity. Wish an Aries friend happy birthday—he's a fellow fire sign. The sun shines bright in your department of creativity, and that creates love, fun and play.

(Dec. 21-Jan. 21)

Dear little goat, stay off the mountain this week. People in the workplace want to argue about hidden agendas. The sun shines bright on the home front, and people there do indeed agree with your values. Much communication this week and your phone rings constantly, thanks to Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, and Mercury, the director of communication. Your friends in the department of clubs, groups and organizations feel a desire to chat. Now make a wish and set a goal or two. The full moon arrives next week. Take time off for rest and recreation now, because next week you will slide into one exciting period when spring is in the air and the snow on the mountaintop begins to melt. So by all means, go with the flow.

(Jan. 21-Feb. 20)

The sun and Neptune in your sign set you up for excellent communication or perhaps a short journey. Three planets occupy your house of money and values. Yes indeed, you may find yourself chatting in the department of real estate. The sun lights up your house of relationships. We realize you are the "I-know" sign and you may suddenly find yourself discussing everything you know about values and money and possessions. Don't argue about children, and do not to get too involved with groups, clubs or organizations. Keep your words soft and tender. On Sunday, the sun smiles at Neptune. Communications flow more easily. Make your wish and set a goal. Just a reminder that the full moon comes next week.

(Feb. 20-March 22)

Okay, little fish, you might feel like you are swimming in circles. Well, if you do, it may be because of the energy from three planets in your sign. Do not argue with those in authority this week. You may feel you must balance your family and career. You need your job to feed the family. Play hush-hush for a few days. Folks in authority on the home front want to chat, but you just smile as you swim on by. Say NO to those who want to borrow money. Remember, the tax man and the Easter Bunny both arrive next week. Go with the flow. The sun and Neptune allow sweet dreams with what you value the most.

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755 or at [email protected].

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