Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Urgent Communiqués, Secret Messages, Thesis Pieces

Invading Iran

Did you hear that? The sound of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rattling his sword for the folks at home. His fundamentalist policies weren't playing so well, poll numbers were down, so now he just bashes America (his numbers have since soared). And did you hear that? Bush is jumping for the bait, knowing that invading a second Muslim nation will impress his core constituency as well. This time, he doesn't have to make up stories about weapons of mass destruction, because his new fight is with a nuclearized loudmouth who'll do anything to give Bush a black eye.

Which brings me to that other thing you hear in the background: World War III, and Bush's core voters singing their approval. In case you didn't know, they've all been raised on tales of the world ending any day now, as the result of a war in the Middle East. Ever stood at a book stall and thumbed through Tim LaHaye's popular Left Behind, or Todd Strandberg's Are You Rapture Ready? or Hal Lindsay's classic The Late Great Planet Earth? You should. According to these Bush-favored texts, nukes rain on the Arabs, God roasts the Blue-state voters, and evangelical Christians float up to heaven just before things get nasty. Imagine that. Walking around believing God wants you to start wars, but since you're a favored person, you'll not have to endure what you've started. Ever wonder why Bush is so strangely upbeat about the war in Iraq, despite daily, unrelenting bloodshed? Now you know. For Bush, the only thing wrong with the battle is that it's not a firestorm of biblical proportions. But if we allow him to drag Iran into it, he'll get his wish.


I want ‘Candy' Time

I wanted to thank Michael T. Toole for "Candy" Time at the Ice House in the April 13-19 issue.

I am Janet from the article and it was fun fulfilling an adolescent dream. Michael got to touch his "Candy." He was like a kid in a candy store from the first conversation to the time he left the building that night. It was a great night and was a lot of fun seeing how many people hang on to memories of the good old days.

Thanks for the great work, Michael.

Janet Westing

Entertainment Coordinator

Ice House Lounge

Celebs and Swimsuits

I would like to thank you for including Marceea Moreno in your swimsuit story. Just the mention of her name brought back images of when I saw Fashionistas at Krave. She is truly amazing. Her youth underlies the fact that she is such a talented dancer and an incredible beauty. I hope that she is in more of your stories in Las Vegas Weekly (hint, hint). I love the Fashionistas show, and I know you have done a feature on the whole show, but would love to hear more about Marceea. Maybe she can explain that name-spelling also. Take care,


And From Our MySpace Friends:

We Love the Weekly's DJ Coverage

An avid Weekly reader! Thanks for the props to the DJs. And for keeping me on the up and up on what's what and what's up!

DJ Sheri Strawberry

Season's Greetings

Happy Easter Las Vegas Weekly! You guys rock!


From Our Napkin Nights Buddies: Vacation photos!

We just got back from spring break in Jamaica and the Winter Music Conference in Miami and they were a blast! We wanted to share our fun times with you, so go check out our pics here:



Napkinnights Girls

I want to be a cover model because you make me happy!

Hi, I want to be a cover model ;). In the meantime I'll be happy with this post. Every time I come to Vegas I say, "Where's the trees, where's the water?" ... But my agony goes away as soon as I see the LV Weekly. Everything cool to do in LV is the your 'zine. Long Live Las Vegas (Weekly), baby.

Tiffany Wyntres

I want to be a cover model, too!

Hello! How are you? I've been asking to be on the cover of the Weekly for more than just weeks now! Try a few years ... ha-ha ... and yes, I e-mailed Ben (Purvis, art director) and we e-mailed back a few times, etc. Now what do I have to do?


Justine Sands

Love Those Covers!

Hey what's going on? Just dropped in [to your MySpace page] to say hi. Love the new cover, it's a for-sure eye-catcher—ha-ha—take care.

Vinny D

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