Jeffrey Anderson

Barry Sonnenfeld's RV is that kind of movie wherein characters must empty the septic tank on their motor home, and what happens next is exactly what you imagine. Robin Williams stars as a sales rep forced to cancel his family's Hawaiian vacation to attend a meeting in Colorado. Lying to his wife (Cheryl Hines) and kids (Josh Hutcherson and Joanna Levesque), he rents an RV for some "family time" on the way to the meeting. The expected chaos ensues, from family tiffs to a raccoon infestation, a bad parking brake and a lake. Another road-bound family, the cheerfully obnoxious Gornickes (led by Jeff Daniels), chime in. Rated PG "for crude humor, innuendo and language," RV is clearly crafted for small viewers, but its main theme involves teenagers and their relationships with their parents. This duality sabotages poor Williams, forced to play uptight and anxious rather than his usual unhinged.

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